Tooth Abscess

What is Tooth Abscess? Can a tooth abscess kill you? What happens if tooth abscess left untreated? Is a tooth abscess an emergency? What are the precautions to be taken? What are the signs and symptoms? What is the cause of this disease? How to treat it? How can homeopathy help you? All of this answered, in this post and of course our doctors always there to help you. Just fill in your details in the form down below and we will answer all your questions for FREE!

Tooth Abscess

What is Tooth Abscess?

Tooth abscess is a collection of pus caused from a bacterial infection in the center of tooth. The abscess can occur at different region of the tooth for different reasons.
Periapical abscess: collection of pus at the tip of the root.

Periodontal abscess: collection of pus in the gums next to the tooth root.

What are the CAUSES of tooth abscess?

• Poor dental hygiene
• Diet rich in sugar
• Cigarette smoking.
• Trauma to tooth due to accident.
• Infection of oral cavity
• Opening in the tooth enamel

What are the signs and symptoms?

• Sever persistent sharp, gnawing, shooting, throbbing toothache
• Bad breath
• Bitter taste in mouth
• Sensitivity to hot and cold temperatures.
• Sensitivity to the pressure of chewing or biting.
• Fever.
• Swelling of face and cheeks.
• Tenderness to touch
• Swelling of the upper or lower jaw.
• Swollen glands of the neck.
• Swelling of the gum of infected tooth.

Can a tooth abscess go away on its own without treatment?

An abscess is typically swollen, irritated and filled with pus.Don’t leave an abscess without treatment. An infection will not go away on its own treatment is always required.

Is a tooth abscess an emergency?

A tooth abscess may be a dental emergency because delaying treatment could allow an even more serious medical problem to develop. A tooth abscess is a painful condition caused by an infection at the center of a tooth. In fact, an untreated tooth abscess could even lead to a deadly brain abscess.

Is an abscessed tooth dangerous?

The bacterial infection from a tooth abscess can be dangerous if it spreads to your jaw, neck, or brain, or if sepsis develops, which is a life-threatening infection that spreads through your body.

Can an abscessed tooth kill you?

If tooth abscess left untreated, a serious tooth abscess can eventually kill.

What can happen if an abscessed tooth left untreated?

In tooth abscess there is a collection of pus that’s caused by a bacterial infection. If tooth abscess remain untreated can lead to serious, even life-threatening, complications.

What is the treatment?

• Prophylactic treatment (antibiotics, analgesics)
• Surgery (incision and draining the abscess)
• Extraction of the affected tooth

How homeopathy helps?

• Silicea

• Belladonna

• Plantago major

• Kreosote

• Staphysagria

For more information, you can visit HealthLine and WebMD.

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