Swimmer’s Itch / Cercarial Dermatitis

What is Swimmer’s Itch? What is Cercarial Dermatitis? What causes this problem? Is it curable? What are the signs and symptoms? How can homeopathy help you? All of this and more answered, in this post and of course our doctors always there to help you. Just fill in your details in the form down below and we will answer all your questions for FREE!

swimmer's itch

What is Swimmer’s Itch?

Swimmer’s itch is a skin rash due to an allergic reaction with certain mammals. It occurs due to release of immature larval forms (called as cercariae) from infected snails into fresh or salt water in lakes and ponds. It mainly develops on exposed areas of skin.

Swimmer’s itch first exposure does not result in any reaction. Swimmers itch organisms are mostly noticed in early summer when water is warm. The duration of swimmer’s itch is short.

Swimmer’s itch is not contagious.

Water becomes infested with parasite when an adult parasite lives in the blood of an infected animal as ducks, geese, these parasites produce eggs which are passed in feces of infected birds/mammals.

Eggs contaminate the water; eggs release free-swimming larvae into the water which swim for species of aquatic snail. Once these snails get infected them undergo further development.

What are the causes of Swimmer’s Itch?

Swimmer’s itch is mainly an allergic reaction to parasites migrating from snails to ducks, swans, and beavers.T these parasites return to water through infected feces.

Risk factors

• Children are at a greater risk of swimmer’s itch.

• Shorelines and shallow areas containing parasites.

• Return of migratory birds infected with parasites.

What are the Symptoms & signs of Swimmer’s Itch?

• Swimmer’s itch affects the exposed skin surface.

• Red rashes, itching lasting for a week or more

• Tingling and burning on the skin

• Small blisters on the skin

What is the investigation of Swimmer’s Itch?

No specific test only physician examination

What treatment is advised for Swimmer’s Itch?

• Antihistamines creams

• Corticosteroid cream, anti-itch cream

• Calamine lotion

• Oatmeal bath

• Cool compress

What Homeopathic medications are commonly indicated in Swimmer’s Itch?

• Apis Mellifica

• Caladium Seguinum

• Graphites

• Sulphur

• Urtica urens

What are the other methods of management for Swimmer’s Itch?

• Tea tree oil, Castor oil

• Eucalyptus oil

• A paste of baking soda with water

• Chamomile

• Cold tea bags

• Sandalwood powder

• Rosewater

• Washing area with mild soap

For more information, you can visit HealthLinkBC and MayoClinic.

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