Social anxiety disorder/Social phobia

Social Anxiety Disorder? Social Phobia? What is this? What causes this problem? Is it curable? What are the signs and symptoms? How can homeopathy help you? All of this and more answered, in this post and of course our doctors always there to help you. Just fill in your details in the form down below and we will answer all your questions for FREE!

What is Social Anxiety?

Social anxiety disorder (social phobia) is the feeling of extreme nervousness during social situations or social gatherings. People with social phobia experience butterflies in stomach, irritation, fear, cold sweats, self-consciousness, embarrassment etc. It is a mental disorder which is self-created or some times its due to the past life bitter experience which leaves a deep embarrassment in persons mind. People who undergo treatment and counselor learn coping skills leads to better life as compared to those who are left unattended.

What are the causes of Social Anxiety?

•Inherited traits

•Family history

•Environmental factor

•Bad experiences

•Brain chemistry

•Being a female

•Shy or timid temperament

•New social or work demands

•Having a health condition that draws attention

•Assertive nature

•Hypersensitivity to criticism

•Poor social skills

•Poor work records

•Low self-esteem

•Low academic achievement

•Substance abuse

•Excessive drinking


What are the symptoms & signs of Social Anxiety?

Physical symptoms



•Fast heartbeat


•Trembling and shaking

•Upset stomach

•Cold, clammy hands



•Muscle tension

•Shaky voice

Emotional symptoms

•Intense fear of interaction with people especially strangers

•Hardly any eye contact

•Avoid doing things or speaking to people out of fear or embarrassment

•Difficulty talking

•Avoid situations where public speaking is required

•Avoid situations where one might be center of attraction

•Worries about embarrassing or humiliating oneself

•Fear of situation where one might be judged

•Presumptuous thoughts of social humiliation, anxiety and embarrassment

•All seems nervous

•Get easily upset/sad

Investigations for Social anxiety disorder

•Complete case history

•Physical examination

•Asking questions

What treatment is recommended for Social Anxiety?

•Psychological counseling


•Anti-anxiety medications


What is the prognosis of Social Anxiety Disorder?

Prognosis after prompt treatment is good and there are high chances of improvement, family support and friend help a lot for a patient to improve early.

•Practice yoga

•Avoid alcohol

•Quit smoking

•Never think of a situation that makes you feel bad

•Family and friends should help such individuals by giving them support

•Make the person attend all the counseling sessions

•Try to tight with situations which are easy to manage

•Try to attend social gatherings.

What are the commonly indicated Homeopathic medicines for Social Anxiety disorder?

Aconitum napellus

Argentum nitricum


Ignatia amara


For more information, you can visit ADAA and NIMH.

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