What is sebopsoriasis? What are the causes? What are sign and symptoms? How can it be diagnosed? How to treat it? What is the differential diagnosis? How can it be prevented? What are the complications? How can homoeopathy help you? All of this answered, in this post and of course our doctors always there to help you. Just fill in your details in the form down below and we will answer all your questions for FREE!

What is Sebopsoriasis?
Sebopsoriasis is a skin disease condition that is the combination of two diseases Seborrheic dermatitis and Psoriasis. It commonly affects the face and the scalp which is characterized by red or yellow bumps and a greasy skin appearance.
How common is Sebopsoriasis?
Sebopsoriasis is mostly seen in infants than children, and this condition in infants is also known as “cradle cap”. Males are more affected than females.
What are the sign and symptoms of Sebopsoriasis?
• Redness on the affected part
• Thick silvery scales
• Dryness of the skin
• Thick Plaques
• Flakes on scalp and eyebrows beard.
• Extremely greasy skin
• Itchiness
• Loss of hair
Who is more prone to Sebopsoriasis?
The exact cause of sebopsoriasis is unknown but some of the risk factors are:
• The patient having a family history.
• Low immunity is the most important causative factor of sebopsoriasis.
• History of throat infections
• Allergies
• Environmental conditions like weather
What is Seborrheic Dermatitis?
Seborrheic dermatitis is an inflammatory skin disease condition that is mostly affected the skin of the scalp, face, eyebrows. Symptoms can include:
• Itching and Redness on the affected area
• Scaly skin
• Dryness of the skin
• Thick plaques
• Irritability of the skin
• Sometimes discharges may be seen in the affected part
Read More: Seborrheic Dermatitis
What is Psoriasis?
Psoriasis is an Autoimmune skin disease condition. It can also affect joints, which is known as Psoriatic Arthritis. The cause of psoriasis is unknown, but it is associated with many health conditions like:
• Diabetes
• Heart diseases
• Inflammatory bowel diseases
• Recurrent throat infections
Read More: Psoriasis
Symptoms of psoriasis include:
• Thick patches with silvery scales
• Redness of the affected skin
• Itching
• Dryness of the skin
• Rarely pain is present
• Joint pains in case of psoriatic arthritis.
Is Sebopsoriasis is curable?
No, sebopsorisis is uncurable. Treatment will help in symptomatic management and prevents further progression of the disease.
What investigation is needed to confirm the diagnosis?
• Medical history of the patient
• Family history of the patient
• Examination of the affected area
What is the differential diagnosis of Sebopsoriasis?
• Eczema
• Diaper dermatitis
• Psoriasis of the scalp.
• Seborrheic dermatitis
• Atopic dermatitis
• Tenia Versicolor
How to treat Seborrhoeic dermatitis?
• Creams, shampoos, or ointments that control inflammation.
• Antifungal medication
• Phototherapy
Can homeopathic treatment help in Sebopsoriasis?
Yes, homeopathic medicines can help in treating sebopsoriasis. Some of the homeopathic medicines which are helpful in this case are:
• Sulphur
• Graphite
• Natrum muraticum
• Phosphorus
• Vinca minor
For more information, you can visit HealthLine and MayoClinic.