

Schizophrenia? What is this? What causes this problem? Is it curable? What are the signs and symptoms? How can homeopathy help you? All of this and more answered, in this post and of course our doctors always there to help you. Just fill in your details in the form down below and we will answer all your questions for FREE!

What is Schizophrenia?

Schizophrenia also called split personality disorder, it is a chronic, severe or debilitating mental disease.

Patients of Schizophrenia have hallucinations, hear voices or see people that are not present, disorganized speech, disorganized behaviour, physically rigid, delusions, poor response to given commands, depression, socially isolated and anxiety.

Can it be passed on to the next generation?

Genetic factors play important role in developing Schizophrenia. 10% chances are there in developing the illness in a child of a parent suffering from schizophrenia.

What results in Schizophrenia?

It is the result of genetic, psychological and environmental factors, having a history of drugs including cannabis, cocaine, and amphetamines, emotional and physical stress.

Schizophrenia is divided into how many types?

There are five types of schizophrenia:

• Paranoid schizophrenia:

One or more delusions, auditory hallucinations are experienced by an individual. Voices are heard by the person which are not present in reality.

• Disorganized schizophrenia:

Disorganized speech and disorganized behaviour are involved in it.

• Catatonic schizophrenia:

The person may have difficulty moving, resistance to moving, excessive movement, abnormal movements, and/or repeating what others say or do.

• Undifferentiated schizophrenia:

It consists of delusions, hallucinations, disorganized speech or behaviour, catatonic behaviour or negative symptoms.

• Residual schizophrenia:

Individual may have a less severe form of the disorder, decrease in function, disinterest and not interested to speak.

How to confirm schizophrenia?

• Delusions

• Mis-Interception.

• Hallucinations

• Seeing or hearing things that are absent.

• Thought disorder

• Difficulty speaking

• Disorganized behaviour

• childish behaviour

• Loss of interest

• emotionless

• insane

• Social avoidance

• motivation diminished

• lack of concentration

• loss of memory

• sleep disturbance

How to investigate schizophrenia?

Complete case history

Brain Scans

blood tests

• Complete blood count

• Liver function test

• Thyroid test

• Kidney function test

Which other disease have the same symptoms as schizophrenia?

• Brain abscess

• Bipolar affective disorder

• Depression

• Head trauma

Homeopathic Treatment

• Anacardium

• Arsenicum album

• Aurum metallicum

• Hyoscyamus niger

• Stramonium

For more information, you can visit NIMH and NAMI.

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