

Sarcoidosis? What is this? What causes this problem? Is it curable? What are the signs and symptoms? How can homeopathy help you? All of this and more answered, in this post and of course our doctors always there to help you. Just fill in your details in the form down below and we will answer all your questions for FREE!

What is Sarcoidosis?

Sarcoidosis is a condition which causes inflammation disease which affects various organs in the body, however, its main action is on lungs and lymph glands. Several other parts of the body including muscles, eyes, skin, heart, kidneys and nervous system can also be affected.

In sarcoidosis, abnormal masses or nodules called granulomas consisting of inflamed tissues are seen in the organs involved. These granulomas affect normal structure and possibly can cause differed functioning of the affected organs. Granulomas may clear up on their own, or causes permanent scarring.

Who is more prone to get affected by Sarcoidosis?

Sarcoidosis affects any individual of any age or any sex. The most common age group affected is between 20-30 years of age. Female to male ratio is 2:1.

People of Irish, Africa, Japan or Puerto Rican descent are prone to have sarcoidosis.

What are the causes of Sarcoidosis?

An exact cause of sarcoidosis is unknown, some research suggests it is due to overactive or abnormal immune system, others studies say it is inherited, or caused by infection, or due allergies that are in the environmental.

Organs affected:

Lungs: An untreated case of sarcoidosis leads to irreversible damage to tissue between the air sacs in lungs causing difficulty in breath or shortness of breath.

Skin: Pink or purplish areas or painful nodules under the skin.

Salivary gland: There may be dryness of mouth as a result of involvement with granulomas

Eyes: there can be blindness, cataract or glaucoma in a result of sarcoidosis.

Spleen and liver: There may be a presence of enlargement of spleen and liver.

Bone: Nodules in the bone can be felt which might be painful to touch especially in hands and feet.

Kidney: kidney stones, failure can be the possible outcome of sarcoidosis.

Heart: Possible complaints are abnormal heart rhythms and in very rare cases death.

Nervous system: Sarcoidosis can also cause problem-related to the central nervous system with granulomas form in the brain and spinal cord. There may also be facial paralysis due to facial nerves inflammation.

What are the signs & symptoms of Sarcoidosis?

• Shortness of breath

• Fatigue

• Weakness

• Weight loss

• Fever

• Seizures

• Dementia

• Depression

• Psychosis

• A dry cough

• Shortness of breath

• Wheezing

• Chest pain

• Enlarged lymph nodes

• Red bumps on arms, face, buttocks

• Skin tender to touch

• Skin color changes

• Skin lesions especially on nose, cheeks, and ears

• Nasal stuffiness

• Hoarseness of voice

• Kidney stone formation

• Swollen and painful joints

• Swelling and pain in ankles and knees

• Infection of eyes

• Conjunctivitis

• Blurred vision

• Sensitivity to light

• Hearing loss

• Meningitis

• Heart failure

• Pericarditis

• Arrhythmias

• Enlarged/ inflamed liver

What are the investigations advised for Sarcoidosis?

• Complete case history

• Physical examination

• Blood test

• Eye examination

• Chest x-ray


• pulmonary function test

• Bronchoscopy

• CT and MRI scan

• Biopsy

What treatment is advised for Sarcoidosis?

• Anti-inflammatory medicines

• Oral Corticosteroid treatment after doctors advice

• Regular checkup’s and tests whatever is required according to a condition of the disease stage

• Immunosuppressant medicines

• Anti-malarial drugs

• Anti-rejection medications

• Thalidomide medicines after doctors’ prescription

• Pulmonary rehabilitation

• Oxygen therapy

• Surgery/ transplants

What is the prognosis of Sarcoidosis?

Prognosis of mild sarcoidosis is good as it appears briefly and disappears without even letting know the person about the disease; whereas chronic stage might result in the deterioration of the affected organ.

It can also be a fatal condition for few patients with chronic sarcoidosis

What is the Diet and Management for Sarcoidosis?

• Exercise regularly as prescribed by the doctor

• Drink plenty of fluids

• Use healthy oils such as olive oil or vegetable oil

• Avoid refines foods, such as white bread, pasta and sugar as it is a very good antioxidant

• Stay away from dust and chemicals

• A regular visit to a doctor and regular checkups helps

• Rest and take enough sleep

• Drink green tea as it is a very

• Quit smoking

• Avoid caffeine and alcohol

• Eat a well-balanced and healthy diet

• Add more of fruits, vegetables and whole grains to the diet

• Join a support group

What are the complications of Sarcoidosis?

• Fungal lung infection

• Glaucoma or blindness

• Kidney stones

• Osteoporosis

• Pulmonary hypertension

• Death

What are the Commonly indicated medications in Homeopathy for Sarcoidosis Management?

-Arsenicum album

-Arsenicum Iodatum

-Lycopodium clavatum

-Natrium arsenicosum


For more information, you can visit NHS and Chest Foundation.

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