Rickets /Vitamin D Deficiency

Rickets? Vitamin D Deficiency? Who is at risk? What causes this problem? Is it curable? What are the signs and symptoms? How can homeopathy help you? All of this and more answered, in this post and of course our doctors always there to help you. Just fill in your details in the form down below and we will answer all your questions for FREE!

What is rickets?

Rickets is a disorder of bone caused by a deficiency of vitamin D, calcium, or phosphate. Rickets is a disease condition which leads to softening and weakening of the bones and is mostly seen in children 6-24 months of age.

What are the causes of rickets?

Main causes of rickets are:

• Vitamin D deficiency

• Calcium deficiency

Those children who are suffering from following diseases leads to rickets i.e.

• Celiac disease

• Inflammatory bowel disease

• Cystic fibrosis

• Kidney problems

As these medical diseases conditions affect the absorption of calcium and vitamin D.

What are the symptoms of rickets?

• Impaired growth

• Increased bone fractures

• Muscular cramps

• Bone pain or tenderness

• dental problems

• muscle weakness

• increased tendency for fractures

• Skeletal deformity (bowed legs, knock knees, cranial, pelvic, spinal deformities)

• Tetany

• Soft skull

How is rickets diagnosed?

• Medical and nutritional history of a child

• X-ray

• Blood and urine tests

• Physical examination

• Bone biopsy

• Serum alkaline phosphatase

Is rickets curable?

Rickets is curable if a cause is identified early and with no permanent damage has been done to the bones. Rickets is caused by a vitamin D deficiency, which leads to an imbalance of calcium and phosphorus levels in the body. A proper balance of vitamins and minerals will cure rickets.

Is rickets painful?

Rickets causes bone pain, poor growth and soft, weak bones that can lead to bone deformities. Adults can also suffer from a similar condition, which is known as osteomalacia or soft bones.

What is the treatment for rickets?

• Intake of calcium

• Proper intake of iron and ascorbic acid

• Massage of the affected part is also beneficial.

• Food rich in vitamin D includes egg yolks, butter, vitamin D-fortified milk, fish liver oil, breast milk, and infant formula.

• Pure vegetarians may have supplements instead of eggs and dairy as sources for both calcium and vitamin D

How does homeopathy help?

Calcarea fluorica

Rachitic enlargement of the femur in infants Enlargement of bones, with or without caries.

Swelling of bones of the jaw after extraction of teeth with violent pains.


Violent bone pains, with swelling.

Weakening in limbs Trembling in hands Cold sweat on legs at night


Arms and hands become numb Patient can lie only on right side Burning in feet with weakness and trembling.

Calcarea phosphoric

A great remedy for non-union of fractured bones when due to impaired nutrition.

Stiffness and pain with cold, numb feeling Pain in joints and bones

Ruta graveolens

Especially useful where non-union results, because of deficient callus.

Pain and stiffness in wrists and hands.

For more information, you can visit Medline Plus and Wikipedia.

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