Premature Graying Of Hair

premature graying

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Are you suffering from premature graying of hair? What is this? What causes this problem? Is it curable? How can homeopathy help you? All of this and more answered, in this post and of course our doctors always there to help you. Just fill in your details in the form down below and we will answer all your questions for FREE!

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Why do people get grey hair?

Premature Graying of hair is due to the gradual loss of the melanocytes pigment – melanin.

Premature greying of hair is caused by a gradual reduction of melanin production in the hair follicle. Melanin is the pigment which gives color and smooth texture to your hair. The degree of darkness of hair depends on the how much melanin pigment each hair contains.

What causes early grey hair?

Deficiency of essential nutrients ( deficiency of vitamin B, iron, copper and iodine )

• Poor diet

• Prolong stress and anxiety

• Heredity factors

• Excess physical exertion

• Early menopause 

• Smoking

• Excess blow drying

• Using harsh shampoo and conditioner

• Using hair color and dyes.

• Environmental pollution

• Unhygienic hair conditions

Can stress cause grey hair?

Stress can cause hairfall or thinning of hair.Greying of hair is usually due to any deficiency or having family history of grey hair.

How can I stop greying of hair?

Henna (herb) is a good hair conditioner as it gives the natural shine to hair

• Applying Amla (Indian gooseberry) on the scalp has an amazing effect in preventing graying of hair and also prevents hair loss.

• Vitamin A –which is present in dark green vegetables, yellow fruits have a great role in promoting healthy hair growth.

• Vitamin B help in the secretion of oil, which keeps your hair healthy & nourished. Eat vitamin B rich food like fresh green leafy vegetables, tomatoes, cauliflower, cereals, liver kidney, yogurt, bananas, and green vegetables

• Add more protein to your diet gives your hair natural shine and good texture.

• Using mild shampoo and conditioner

• Avoiding washing hair with hot water and using dryer

• Massaging hair with fingertips to ensure blood circulation.

• Unhygienic scalp weakens the root of the hair.

• Consuming a lot of fruits and vegetables is recommended.

What happens when you pull out a grey hair?

Plucking of grey hair will not cause more grey hairs to grow back in its place. However, plucking is not advisable because it can destroy the healthy hair follicle and results into baldness.

For more information, you can visit NCBI and Wikipedia.

Premature Graying of Hair

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