
What is polio? What are the causes? Why do you need polio vaccination? Who is at risk? All of this and more answered, in this post and of course our doctors are always there to help you. Just fill in your details in the form down below and we will answer all your questions for FREE!

What is Polio?

Poliomyelitis or polio is a viral infection that can result in the spinal cord and brainstem paralysis. It mainly affects children under 5 years old.

What causes polio?

It is caused by infection with poliovirus which spreads by:-

If you have not been vaccinated, you can increase your risk of contracting polio when you:

-Person to person contact

-Contact with infected mucus

-Contacted with infected feces

Poliovirus enters through mouth, nose and multiplies in the throat and intestinal tract and it spread through blood.

What are the early signs of polio?

Symptoms of nonparalytic polio:-

-slight Fever

-redness of throat




It is also known as abortive polio.

Signs of paralytic polio:-

It leads to paralysis of the brain and spinal cord

Symptoms include:-

-Spinal cord paralysis

-Deformity of limbs

-Muscle weakness

Does adult need a polio booster?

Mostly adults do not need polio vaccination because they were already vaccinated as children.

Can polio be cured?

Polio is eradicated now

There is no cure, only symptoms can be controlled and prevent it with vaccinations.

-bed rest


-antispasmodic drugs to relax muscles

-antibiotics for urinary tract infections

-physical therapy or corrective braces to help -with walking

-physical therapy to treat pain in the affected muscles

Vaccination schedule

2 months — One dose

4 months — One dose

6 to 18 months — One dose

4 to 6 years — Booster dose

What does polio affect in the body?

Polio mainly affects the spinal cord causing muscle weakness and paralysis. The polio virus enters the body through the mouth, usually from hands contaminated with the stool of an infected person.

Can adults contract polio?

Generally, polio affects children under five, but adults can contract it as well. Symptoms: Many of those infected with the virus will show no symptoms at all but can pass on the virus to others.

Complications of polio


-Lung problems

-Urinary tract infection

-Muscle paralysis


For more information, you can visit WHO and Wikipedia.

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