Pemphigus? What is this? What causes this problem? Is it curable? What are the signs and symptoms? How can homeopathy help you? All of this and more answered, in this post and of course our doctors always there to help you. Just fill in your details in the form down below and we will answer all your questions for FREE!
What is pemphigus?
Pemphigus is an autoimmune condition of the skin characterized by blister formation on the skin and mucous membranes.
Which age group affects due to this?
-Pemphigus most commonly occurs in older people.
-Both the sexes are affected equally.
-Mainly the age between 50-60 years.
What are the types of pemphigus?
Pemphigus Vulgaris
-It is the most common type of pemphigus. In this condition, the blisters appear on the mouth and due to which the patient feels difficulty in eating food.
-This type of pemphigus occurs at any age.
-Most common at the age of 40-60 years.
Pemphigus foliaceus
-This type is of the least severe type.
-This type of pemphigus is mainly present in the top dry layer of the skin.
Intraepidermal neutrophilic IgA dermatosis
-This type of pemphigus present rarely.
-The main feature of this type is seen microscopically and characteristics are intraepidermal bullae with neutrophils and eosinophils.
Paraneoplastic pemphigus (PNP)
-This type of pemphigus is a complication of cancer.
-Mainly seen in the lymphoma and Castleman’s disease condition.
What is the sign and symptoms?
-Burning sensation of the skin.
-In some cases when the mucous membranes of the skin are affected, then it leads to:
-peeling away of affected inner lining tissues.
-sensitivity to acidic foods.
-Eating is difficult if this condition involves the deeper areas of the throat then it leads to coughing.
-Nosebleed if the condition occurs in the nose.
-In this condition, the blister firstly begins on the face and scalp and then appear on the chest and back.
-Muscles and joints pain.
How to investigate pemphigus?
-History of the patient.
-Family history.
-Examine the blisters.
-Skin biopsy at the site of blisters and then examined with the microscope.
-In blood presence of anti-desmoglein autoantibodies.
-Direct immunofluorescence on the skin biopsy also helps to detect antibodies.
What is the Differential diagnosis of pemphigus?
-Erythema multiformis.
-Familial benign pemphigus.
How to treat the pemphigus?
-The main target of the treatment is to prevent complications.
-Biological therapies.
-Antibiotics, antiviral and antifungal medications.
-If pemphigus spread and sometimes severe then the patient needs to be hospitalized.
What are the complications?
-Infection of the skin at the site of blisters.
-The infection spreads through the blood and causes sepsis.
-Medication side effects such as increased risk of infection.
Can homeopathic medicines help in this case?
Yes, in most of the cases homeopathic medicines having a good result for this condition and it depends upon the severity of the case. Some of the homeopathic medicines are:
-Caltha palustris
-Cantharis vesicatoria
-Ranunculus sceleratus
-Juglans cineria
-Rhus Toxicodendron
For more information, you can visit pemphigus.org and Wikipedia.