What is parvovirus? What are the signs and symptoms of parvovirus infection? How can homeopathy help you? All of this answered, in this post and of course our doctors always there to help you. Just fill in your details in the form down below and we will answer all your questions for FREE!

What is parvovirus?
Human parvovirus or parvovirus B19 is one of the viruses from family parvoviral.
This is one of the viruses from parvoviridae that seem to show affection in human, there are also other parvovirus found in animals, but they do not cause infection in humans.
Who are more prone to get affected by the parvovirus?
• Children
• Adult –Both male and female
• Pregnant women
• Persons whose immunity is impaired by one or other reason
What are the causes of parvovirus?
PARVOVIRUS-B19 is the major cause of infection in humans.
• Spread by saliva, sputum, contact of blood or blood product of infected person.
• Droplet-infection through coughing, sneezing, face to face contact of an infected person.
• Using virus-contaminated objects of the infected person.
• Pregnant women to baby
What are the signs and symptoms of parvovirus?
Once a person is infected, symptoms start developing after 5-6 days,
◦ Fever and malaise
◦ Running nose
◦ Flu-like symptom
◦ myalgia
Parvovirus infection in children:
• “slapped cheek” rash is most commonly seen in children, as the name suggests the presentation is the same red maculopapular rash on cheeks as if the face has been slapped preceded by trunk and limbs.
• It is also called “fifth” disease as it was found to be the fifth major cause of rash in children.
• The rash resolve in 8-10days on its own.
Parvovirus infection in adult:
• Common flu-like symptom
• Joint pain and swelling which mimic like arthritis hence called as parvovirus arthritis
Parvovirus infection in pregnancy:
• Women who became infected during pregnancy likely to have an increased risk of miscarriage.
• There is a higher risk for hydrops fetalis in which there is a collection of fluid more than two areas of the body.
What investigation is advised for parvovirus?
• Clinical presentation and physical examination is enough to diagnose it.
• Blood test
• Antibody testing
• Viral detection
What treatment is advised for the parvovirus?
Most of the patient get recovered by itself without any medication,
• Anti-inflammatory drugs
• Analgesics
• No particular vaccine is available till date
What is the prognosis of the parvovirus?
The prognosis is very good as once a person is infected and recovered, gains lifetime immunity for it, reoccurrence of cases is very rare. The antibody produced against the virus remains in the body forever.
What is the complication of parvovirus?
• Chronic anemia
• Anaemia since birth
• Blood abnormalities sickle cell anemia
What is the differential diagnosis of parvovirus?
• Vesiculopustular skin eruption
• Myelomonocytic leukemia
• Paediatric rubella
What management is helpful for parvovirus?
• Always cover mouth while sneezing or coughing
• Avoid direct contact with an infected person
• Keep skin clean
• Take healthy diet
• Drink lot of water
• Avoid going in public places
• Wash hands regularly
What are commonly indicated homeopathic medicines for parvovirus?
Also Read: Measles
For more information, you can visit SciencePhoto and CDC.