
What is Pansinusitis? What are causes? What are sign and symptoms? How to treat it? How can homoeopathy help you? All of this answered, in this post and of course our doctors always there to help you. Just fill in your details in the form down below and we will answer all your questions for FREE!

What is Pansinusitis?

Pansinusitis is defined as the inflammation or infection of all the sinuses in the head i.e Maxillary sinus, Ethmoid sinus, Sphenoid sinus, and Frontal sinus causing nasal congestion which can lead to headache or heaviness in the head, running nose with stuffiness.

The major function of the sinuses is to produce mucus that moisturizes the nose from the inside.

What causes Pansinusitis?

The sinuses are hollow spaces that are located behind the forehead, cheeks, and around the nose. Sinuses are lined with mucus that helps trap germs and debris. Pansinusitis can occur because of some blockage in the nose or sinuses which can lead to obstruction of the sinuses and thus make it harder for the sinuses to drain.

There are some causative factors such as:
• Recurrent history of coryza
• Narrowed nose passages
• Seasonal allergies
• Smoking
• Nasal polyps
• Nasal bone spur
• Recurrent upper respiratory tract infections
• Deviated nasal septum
• Structural problems within the sinuses
• Weak immune system
• Some medication that weakens the immune system
• Cystic fibrosis (thick mucus present in the lungs and mucus membrane linings)

What is the location of different sinuses in the body?

There are 4 types of sinuses. These are: [Text Wrapping Break]
• Frontal sinuses – located above the eyes in the brow area.
• Maxillary sinuses – are located inside each cheekbone.
• Ethmoid sinuses – are located behind the bridge of the nose and between the eyes.
• Sphenoid sinuses – are located behind the ethmoid sinus, in the upper region of the nose, and behind the eyes.

What are the sign and symptoms of Pansinusitis?

The most common symptoms of pansinusitis include:
• Pain in the front of the face
• Pressure and tenderness in the face
• Nasal congestion/nasal blockage/stuffy nose
• Decrease senses of smell
• Sore throat
• Posterior nasal discharges
• Heaviness in the head
• Thick nasal discharge
• Fever
• In some cases, facial pain that radiates into the teeth
• Headache in the front of the head
• Cough
• Heaviness in the voice
• Ear pain
• Fatigue
• Bad breath
• Watery eyes

What are the types of Pansinusitis?

• Acute pansinusitis – In the case of acute pansinusitis, the symptoms last less than 12 weeks.
• Chronic pansinusitis – In the case of chronic pansinusitis, the symptoms last longer than 12 weeks.
• Viral pansinusitis occurs due to cold or flu virus.
• Bacterial pansinusitis, when a bacterial infection causes it.
• Fungal pansinusitis occurs due to fungi or mold.
• Allergic pansinusitis, when allergens are the causative agent.

Also Read: Sinusitis
How is Pansinusitis diagnosed?

• History of the patient
• Physical examination of the patient
• Nasal Endoscopy
• CT scan and MRI
• Nasal culture
• Rhinoscopy
• Allergen test

What are the complications of Pansinusitis?

• Meningitis
• Ear infections
• Loss of smell
• Vision problems
• Recurrent episodes of nasal infections

What is the treatment of Pansinusitis?

• Antibiotics
• Nasal corticosteroids
• Antihistamines
• Nasal decongestants

Also Read: A case study of a patient suffering from Sinusitis who was cured with our homeopathic treatment.
How to reduce the probability of Pansinusitis?

The pansinusitis infection may be more likely to occur in people who have a weakened immune system. A person can help prevent pansinusitis by:
• Washing their hands thoroughly.
• Getting enough rest.
• Eating a healthy and nutritious diet to strengthen the immune system.
• Quit smoking.
• Treating allergies.
• Avoid allergens.
• Avoiding people who have a cold or flu.
• Drinking plenty of water.
• Using a humidifier to moisturize the air.

Can homeopathy help in the case of Pansinusitis?

Yes, homeopathy help in the case of pansinusitis. Some of the homeopathic medicines which can help in the case of pansinusitis are:
• Kali sulphuricum
• Lycopodium
• Sulphur
• Kali-Bichromicum

Also Read: Another case of a patient suffering from Sinusitis and how our homeopathic medicines helped him.

For more information, you can visit AtlantisCoastRehab and MedicalNewsToday.

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