
    What is Echovirus? Enteric-Cytopathic-Human-Orphan virus.It is called an orphan virus as it can cause any type of affectionIt is

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What is cowpox? What are the symptoms of cowpox infection? How can homeopathy help you? All of this answered, in

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      What is Buffalopox? Buffalopox is caused by Buffalopox virus (BPXV), it is a Poxviridae. The natural host

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Bunya Virus

    What is Bunya Virus? Bunyavirales are negative-sense single-stranded RNA viruses. It is the only order in the class

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What is Cytomegalovirus? Cytomegalovirus is the most common virus from herpes viral family. It is also known as HCMV (herpes

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What is Astrovirus? Astrovirus is a group of viruses that causes diarrhoea illness also known as gastroenteritis. The astrovirus infection

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  What is Alphavirus? Alphavirus is a genus of RNA viruses; it is the sole genus in the Togaviridae family.

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What is Arenavirus? Arenavirus is a negative single-stranded RNA genome virus, generally associated with rodent-transmitted diseases in humans. Humans acquire

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