What is ovarian cancer? What are the types? What are the causes? What are sign and symptoms? How can it be diagnosed? What are the different stages of ovarian cancer? How to treat it? What is the differential diagnosis? How can it be prevented? What are the complications? How can homoeopathy help you? All of this answered, in this post and of course our doctors always there to help you. Just fill in your details in the form down below and we will answer all your questions for FREE!

What is Ovarian Cancer?
Ovarian cancer is the cancer of the ovaries which is the part of the female reproductive system. Ovarian cancer develops when the abnormal cells in the ovary begin to multiply and form cancer and if the ovarian cancer is left untreated, cancer can spread to the other parts of the body known as metastatic ovarian cancer.
What are the sign and symptoms of Ovarian Cancer?
The symptoms include:
• Abdominal vaginal discharges
• Menstrual irregularities
• Pain in the abdomen and lower back
• Abdominal bloating and pressure
• Loss of appetite
• Difficulty eating
• Increase urine frequency
• Indigestion
• Heartburn
• Fatigue
• Constipation
• Painful intercourse
• Dermatomyositis (an inflammatory disease that can cause a skin rash, muscle weakness, and inflamed muscles)
• Weight loss
• Acne
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How many types of Ovarian Cancer?
There are 3 types of ovarian cancer are:
Epithelial Ovarian Cancer: Epithelial ovarian cancer is most commonly seen in 90% of the cases. This type of ovarian cancer forms in the layer of tissue on the outside of the ovaries.
Stromal Ovarian Cancer: This type of cancer grows in the hormone-producing cells. It is seen in about 10-20% of cases.
Germ Cell Ovarian Cancer: Germ cell ovarian cancer develops in the egg-producing cells. And this type of cancer seen in rare cases.
What are the causes of Ovarian Cancer?
The exact cause of ovarian cancer is unknown but some of the risk factors are:
• Family history of the female
• Ovarian cancer is mainly seen after menopause and ages 40 to 65 years.
• Genetic mutations of genes (BRCA1 and BRCA2 gene mutations)
• Polycystic ovarian disease
• Late pregnancies history
• Human papilloma virus (HPV)
• History of any cancer like breast, uterine, or colon cancer
• Obesity
• Use of oral contraceptive pills or other hormonal medicines
• Endometriosis
What are the different stages of Ovarian Cancer?
There are four stages of ovarian cancer, and each stage has substages:
Stage 1
Stage 1A. The cancer is limited and localized, present in the ovaries
Stage 1B. Both the ovaries are involved.
Stage 1C. Spreading of the cancer cells on the outside of the ovary.
Stage 2 cancer has spread to other pelvic structures.
Stage 2A. Cancer has spread to the uterus and Fallopian tubes, bladder, and rectum.
Stage 3
Stage 3A. Cancer has spread to the pelvis and the abdominal lymph nodes.
Stage 4
In stage 4, It is the most advanced stage, cancer has metastasized, or spread, beyond the pelvis, abdomen, and lymph nodes to the liver or lungs.
How Ovarian Cancer is treated?
The treatment depends on the situation of the patient and how far cancer has spread.
• Chemotherapy
• Surgery
• Hormone therapy
How to diagnoses Ovarian Cancer?
• History of the patient
• Family history of the patient
• Pelvis examination
• Blood tests like CA-125
• USG of abdomen
• MRI or CT scan
• Laparoscopy
• Biopsy
What is the differential diagnosis of Ovarian Cancer?
• Endometrioma
• Endometriosis
• Functional ovarian cyst
• Pedunculated uterine fibroid
• Cancer metastases
• Tubo-ovarian abscess
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Can homeopathic medicines help in the case of Ovarian Cancer?
Yes, homeopathic medicines help symptomatically in case of ovarian cancer. Some of the homeopathic medicines are:
• Sepia
• Puls
• Thuja
• Apis Mell
• Cal Carb
For more information, you can visit HealthLine and WebMD.