
Otorrhoea? What is this? What causes this problem? Is it curable? What are the signs and symptoms? How can homeopathy help you? All of this and more answered, in this post and of course our doctors always there to help you. Just fill in your details in the form down below and we will answer all your questions for FREE!


What is an Otorrhea?

Otorrhea is an ear discharge that can be serous, serosanguineous or purulent characterized by the symptoms of ear pain, fever, pruritus, vertigo and tinnitus and hearing impairment. It can occur for a due to infection, trauma, inflammation, tumors, and others.

How many types does Otorrhea have?

Depending upon the nature of discharge otorrhea is of 4 types:

Bloody otorrhea.

Purulent otorrhea.

Sero-hemorrhagic otorrhea.

Transparent otorrhea.

What are the causes of Otorrhoea?

Over contact to water because of swimming

Long-standing allergies

Chronic diseases like sinusitis etc.

Chronic infection of the ear

The existence of the foreign particle in the ear

A severe blow to ear in case of an injury to the head

External environmental factors such as cold weather

Acute or Chronic otitis media along with eardrum perforation

Injury to the ear due to different pressure such as on high mountains or during flights.

Otitis externa


External ear canal dermatitis

What are the signs and Symptoms of Otorrhoea?

Ear pain

Ear Discharge


Fullness sensation in the ear

Slight or partial hearing loss

Nose bleeding

The constant pressure inside the ear

High body temperature

Pain in the temples


What tests are needed for Otorrhoea?

CT scan


Chest x-ray

Very rare cases biopsy

How to treat Otorrhoea?


Prophylactic treatment

What are the general precautions to avoid Otorrhea?

Avoid usage of earbuds.

Avoid excessive earphones.

Regular dental checkup.

Use proper safety gears while swimming.

Dry ear after swimming and bathing.

Take proper treatment of long-standing diseases like allergies, sinusitis, chronic cold, throat and parotid gland infection etc.

Check temperature and manage to stay inside if it is too cold or covers ears and head properly before going out.

Which Homeopathic medicines are helpful in Otorrhoea?

Aurum metallicum


Borax veneta

Hepar sulph

Silicea terra

Tellurium metallicum

For more information, you can visit NCBI and BMJ.

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