
Osteomyelitis? What is this? What causes this problem? Is it curable? What are the signs and symptoms? How can homeopathy help you? All of this and more answered, in this post and of course our doctors always there to help you. Just fill in your details in the form down below and we will answer all your questions for FREE!


1)What is Osteomyelitis?

It is an infection of the bone caused by bacteria. This disease mostly present in the children.

Osteomyelitis is defined as the inflammation of the bone or bone marrow.

2)Which age group affected due to this?

The osteomyelitis can affect a person of any age from newborn to adult. Both sexes are affected equally due to this.

In cases of children below the age of 5 years and mainly the long bones are affected like femur etc.

But in the case of adult patients or elderly patients, the vertebrae and pelvis are most commonly affected.

3)What causes Osteomyelitis?

There are so many causes of osteomyelitis. Some of the following are:

– This infection caused by the bacteria mainly known as Streptococcus aureus. Some other bacteria like Enterobacter and Streptococcus species also responsible for this.

Some risk factors are:

– The recent injury to the bones like trauma and surgeries may also cause osteomyelitis.

– Any renal complaints.

– Poor blood supply.

– Diabetic patients.

– Overuse of medicines.

– Infection after trauma to the bone.

– Infection due to use of nonsterile instruments at the time of operating fractures.

– In rare cases, the osteomyelitis occurs secondary to the infection of tuberculosis.

– When blood is containing bacteria as in cases of bacterial infections of the blood.

– Infection to the bone can travel through the infection in adjacent structures.

4)Who is at high risk for osteomyelitis?

The high-risk factors that may increase a person to person susceptibility to osteomyelitis include:

– Patient having long-term skin infections.

– In the case of inadequately controlled diabetes.

– Poor blood circulation (arteriosclerosis).

5)What are the symptoms of osteomyelitis?

Pain in the bone at the site to inflammation.


Swelling redness and warmth on the affected area of infection.

Difficulty in the movement of the affected limb.

Weakness feeling.


ill feeling is seen in the patient.

Other symptoms which are associated with osteomyelitis are as follows:

• Excessive sweating of the body

• Chills

• A low backache

• Swelling in the joints like ankles, or in feet and legs.

6)What bone is the most common site of osteomyelitis?

– The osteomyelitis is more common in infants and children, usually occurring in the long bone metaphysis.

– In case of adults, the vertebrae are the most common site of the infection but infection may also occur in the:

Long bones



7)How to diagnose the case of osteomyelitis?

Some test which helps to diagnose the osteomyelitis are:

Blood cultures show presence f bacteria.

Bone biopsy (the sample is cultured and examined under a microscope).

Bone scanning.

Bone x-ray

Complete blood count (CBC).


MRI of the bone.

C-reactive protein (CRP)

8)How to treat the case of Osteomyelitis?

– Antibiotics are given for bacterial infection.

– Surgery may be needed to remove dead bone tissue.

– In cases of diabetic patients, diabetes control is very necessary.

9)What the prognosis of Osteomyelitis?

The prognosis of this disease depends upon the severity of the case.

Can Osteomyelitis be cured?

Yes, most of the cases of osteomyelitis are treatable. The chronic infections of the bone need long duration treatment to heal or may require surgery. The prognosis of this condition is good if the infection is treated early.

11)What are the complications of osteomyelitis?

Some complications of osteomyelitis include:

– Bone abscess (presence of pus)

– Infection recurrence

– Growth disturbance in case of children’s

– Bone necrosis (bone death)

– Spread of infection due to this inflammation of soft tissue called (cellulitis)

– Blood poisoning (septicemia)

– Chronic infection that does not respond well to treatment.

12)Can osteomyelitis lead to sepsis?

Yes, some complications of Osteomyelitis may lead to sepsis condition. In some cases, if it is left untreated the infection can spread to other bones and other parts of your body. This can cause a widespread infection, sepsis and in severe cases, even bone death may occur.

13)Can homeopathic medicines help in case of osteomyelitis?

Yes, homeopathic medicines can help in this condition. Some of the homeopathic medicines which help in case of osteomyelitis. These are:



Aurum metallicum



For more information, you can visit NHS and Wikipedia.

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