Orf Disease

What is Orf Disease? What are the causes of orf disease? How can you manage orf disease? How can homeopathy help you? All of this answered, in this post and of course our doctors always there to help you. Just fill in your details in the form down below and we will answer all your questions for FREE!

orf disease
What is Orf Disease?

Orf is an exanthemous disease caused by parapox virus, as it is zoonotic in nature it primarily occurs in sheep and goats but can infect a human as well.
It is also called as contagious pustular dermatitis, infectious labial disease, ecthyma contagiousm, thistle disease and scabby mouth.

Who is more Prone to get affected with Orf Disease?

People who stay in contact with infected sheep or goat the virus can transmit easily via touch.

What are the causes of Orf Disease?

• Close contact with goats or sheep who are infected by handling them without gloves or bestiality.

What are the signs and symptoms of orf Disease?

• Purulent appearing papule can develop usually in hands, fingers, face, arms and penis. (Usually happens when handling while urinating with infected hands or bestiality).
• When eye gets infected it can usually be serious.
• It can be fatal when an immunocompromised individual.

What are the investigations of Orf Disease?

Electron Microscopy can be performed on fluid obtained from orf lesion fluid.

What treatment is advised for Orf Disease?

• Orf is a self-limiting disease. It usually resolves within 3-6 weeks.
• Symptomatic treatment with moist dressings, local anti-septic’s, finger immobilization is helpful.
• Secondary infection can be treated with systemic or topical antibiotics.

What is the prognosis of Orf Disease?

-It is a self-limiting disease but in cases of an immunocompromised individual it can be fatal.

What are the complications of Orf Disease?

The complication of orf diseases are: –
-larger or unusual lesions.
-Widespread blister.
-Erythema multiforme (large skin rash)
-Bullous pemphigoid

Also Read: Chicken Pox
What is the differential diagnosis of orf Disease?

-Acute Febrile Neutrophilic dermatosis
-Milker’s nodule

What management is helpful for people infected with Orf Disease?

• Wearing gloves while handling of sheep and goats
• Treating infected sheep and goats so prevent reinfection.
• If infected, then using antiseptic and immobilizing helps symptoms.

Also Read: Chicken Pox v/s Measles
What the names of commonly indicated Homeopathic remedies of Orf Disease?

Few of the commonly indicated Homeopathic remedies of Orf Diseases are as follows: –
• Sulphur
• Mezereum
• Hepar sulph
• Arsenic album
• Petroleum

For more information, you can visit eMedicine and Wikipedia.

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