
What are Mumps?

It is a contagious disease caused by a virus that passes from one person to another through saliva, nasal secretions, and close personal contact.

The condition primarily affects the salivary glands, also called the parotid glands. These glands are responsible for producing saliva.

There are three sets of salivary glands on each side of your face, located behind and below your ears. The main symptom of this contagious disease is swelling of the salivary glands.


Does adult get infected with Mumps?

The disease is most contagious from one to two days before to five days after the onset of infection in the salivary glands (parotitis). About two to three out of every 10 adolescent or adult men who have mumps may experience painful swelling of the testicles.

What are the signs and symptoms of Mumps?

When signs and symptoms do develop, they usually appear about two to three weeks after exposure to the virus and may include:

-Swollen, painful salivary glands on one or both sides of your face (parotitis)



-Muscle aches.

-Weakness and fatigue.

-Loss of appetite.

-Pain while chewing or swallowing.

How long does Mumps Last for?

The virus silently multiplies for 12 to 25 (usually 16-18) days before symptoms appear, if they do. The salivary gland swelling can happen quickly – within hours – or gradually over several days. The swelling and symptoms usually decrease and disappear over another 3 to 7 days.

Is Mumps Fatal disease?

Rarer complications of this contagious disease include: Encephalitis – the brain swells causing neurological issues. In some cases, this can be fatal.

How does mumps spread?

It is an airborne virus and can be spread by an infected person coughing or sneezing and releasing tiny droplets of contaminated saliva, which can then be breathed in by another person, sharing utensils, such as cups, cutlery or plates with an infected person.

Can you get Mumps Twice in life?

People who have had this disease are usually protected for life against another mumps infection. However, second occurrences of this infectious disease do rarely occur.

Is Vaccine required in Mumps?

Yes, Vaccination can prevent mumps. Most infants and children receive a vaccine for measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) at the same time. The first MMR shot is generally given between the ages of 12 and 15 months at a routine well-child visit. A second vaccination is necessary for school-aged children between 4 and 6 years old.

However, people who have compromised immune systems, are allergic to gelatin or neomycin, or are pregnant, shouldn’t receive the MMR vaccine. Consult your family doctor about an immunization schedule for you and your children.

Treatment for Mumps?

– Rest when you feel weak or tired.

– Take over-the-counter pain relievers, such as acetaminophen and ibuprofen, to bring down your fever.

– Soothe swollen glands by applying ice packs.

– Drink plenty of fluids to avoid dehydration due to fever.

– Eat a soft diet of soup, yogurt, and other foods that aren’t hard to chew (chewing may be painful when your glands are swollen).

– Avoid acidic foods and beverages that may cause more pain in your salivary glands.

Can Homeopathy help in Such Cases?

Yes, Homeopathy helps in improving immunity which helps in recovering the infection prevents further complication.

Few Homeopathic medicines indicated in such cases are as follows-



-Rhus Tox



Can you still get Mumps if you are Vaccinated?

Yes , some people who receive two doses of MMR can still get mumps, especially if they have prolonged, close contact with someone who has the disease.If a vaccinated person does get mumps, they will likely have less severe illness than a person who is not vaccinated .

What can you eat when you are infected with Mumps?

Avoid foods that require lots of chewing. Instead, try broth-based soups or soft foods, such as mashed potatoes or cooked oatmeal, for nourishment. Avoid sour foods, such as citrus fruits or juices, which stimulate saliva production

What are the complications of Mumps?

Complications from mumps are rare, but can be serious if left untreated. Mumps mostly affects the parotid glands. However, it can also cause inflammation in other areas of the body, including the brain and reproductive organs.

Orchitis is inflammation of the testicles that may be due to mumps. You can manage orchitis pain by placing cold packs on the testicles several times per day. Your doctor may recommend prescription-strength painkillers if necessary. In rare cases, orchitis can cause sterility.

Females infected with mumps may experience swelling of the ovaries. The inflammation can be painful but doesn’t harm a woman’s eggs. However, if a woman contracts mumps during pregnancy, she has a higher-than-normal risk of experiencing a miscarriage.

Mumps may lead to meningitis or encephalitis, two potentially fatal conditions if left untreated. Meningitis is swelling of the membranes around your spinal cord and brain. Encephalitis is inflammation of the brain. Contact your doctor if you experience seizures, loss of consciousness, or severe headaches while you have mumps.

Pancreatitis is inflammation of the pancreas, an organ in the abdominal cavity. Mumps-induced pancreatitis is a temporary condition. Symptoms include abdominal pain, nausea, and vomiting.

The mumps virus also leads to permanent hearing loss in about 5 out of every 10,000 cases. The virus damages the cochlea, one of the structures in your inner ear that facilitates hearing.

What is the Incubation period of Mumps?

A person infected with mumps is contagious from approximately seven days before the onset of symptoms until about eight days after symptoms start. The incubation period (time until symptoms begin) can be from 12–25 days, but is typically 16–18 days.

What are the long term Complications?

In most children, mumps is pretty mild. But it can cause serious, lasting problems, including:

-Meningitis (swelling of the tissue covering the brain and spinal cord)

-Deafness (temporary or permanent)

Can Mumps Go away without any treatment?

Mostly Yes but Mumps is a contagious viral infection that can cause painful swelling of the salivary glands, especially the parotid glands (between the ear and the jaw). Some people with mumps won’t have gland swelling. They may feel like they have a bad cold or the flu instead. Mumps usually goes away on its own in about 10 days.

How to Prevent Mumps?

Flu Prevention is Mumps Prevention

– Be sure to regularly wash your hands with soap and water.

– Sneeze and cough into a tissue or your elbow to avoid spreading the disease through airborne particles.

– Avoid sharing drink, food, and utensils; these can all carry the flu or mumps viruses.

What are the precaution for mumps?

Transmission can occur during the prodromal phase and with sub clinical infections.

The mumps isolation period from 9 to 5 days. It is now recommended that mumps patients be isolated and standard and droplet precautions be followed for 5 days after parotitis onset.

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