Milk Alkali Syndrome

What is Milk Alkali Syndrome? What are the causes? What are the signs and symptoms? What are the tests to confirm Milk Alkali Syndrome? Treatment? Can homeopathy help? All of this and more answered, in this post and of course our doctors always there to help you. Just fill in your details in the form down below and we will answer all your questions for FREE!

What it is?

It is an acquired condition in which there is high levels of calcium and a shift in the body’s acid base balance towards alkaline.It is caused by the indigestion of large amounts of calcium and absorbable alkali with resulting hypercalcemia.

What causes Milk Alkali syndrome?

The cause of Milk Alkali Syndrome is ingestion of high amount of calcium carbonate for a long peroid of time like taking certain antacids or taking too much of milk.

How would you get to know?

Central nervous system symptoms are:

• Fatigue
• Depression
• Malaise
• Confusion

Gastrointestinal symptoms may include:

• Nausea
• Vomiting
• Constipation

Genitourinary symptoms may include:

• Urinary frequency
• Renal tubular defects
• Renal failure

Cardiac symptoms may include:

• Electrocardiographic changes
• Arrtythmias

How do you test for Milk alkali syndrome?

Serum calcium
Serum Phosphorus
Creatinine/blood urea nitrogen: Kidney function can range from normal to severely compromised in patients with milk alkali syndrome.
Thyroid stimulating hormone: Hyperthyroidism can cause elevated serum calcium levels

Other tests:

• Serum protein electrophoresis
• Complete blood count.

What is the treatment for milk alkali syndrome?

A low-calcium, low-phosphorus diet is required during hypercalcemia. No activity restrictions are necessary.
In case of Severe hypercalcemia, patient should be admitted to the hospital.
Saline dieresis produced by infusion of large volume of intravenous isotonic sodium chloride solution, is the treatment of choice.

What are the complications?

• Calcium depots in the tissues
• Kidney failure
• Kidney stones

Source eMedicine and for further information you can also check NCBI.

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