Miliaria / Heat Rash/ Prickly Heat/ Sweat Rash

Q1. What is miliaria?

The common type of the skin rash called miliaria also known as prickly heat, or heat rash, or sweat rash. Miliaria occurs in some people when they sweat a lot. It can be very itchy. It is due to a blockage of the sweat ducts which causes sweat to seep into the skin cells.

Q2. What causes miliaria crystallina?

-Miliaria crystallina (sudamina) – caused by obstruction of the sweat ducts close to the surface of the skin (epidermis).

-Miliaria rubra – caused by obstruction of the sweat ducts deeper in the epidermis.

-Miliaria profunda (tropical anhidrosis) – the result of sweat leaking into the middle layer of skin (dermis).

Q3. What is fox-fordyce disease?

Fox–Fordyce disease also known as “apocrine miliaria”, is a chronic blockage of the sweat gland ducts with a secondary, non-bacterial inflammatory response to the secretions and cellular debris in the cysts.

Q4. Who are more prone to miliaria?

- Children under age of 4 yrs

- Athletes or people who exercise in hot environments

- Obese or overweight people

- Bedridden patients.

Q5. Which area is mostly affected by heat rash?

Common areas that are affected by heat rash are face, neck, back, abdomen, groin, under the breasts, elbow folds, legs folds and buttocks.

Q6. What are the sign and symptoms of miliaria?

- Multiple small pinpoint bumps on skin

- Redness all over the affected area.

– Irritation of skin

- Hives.

- Itching.

– Discomfort.

Q7. What is the treatment for miliaria?

- Oral or tropical antibiotics.

- Antibacterial medicines.

– Mild cortisone ointments.

- Oral antihistamines.

– Topical steroids

– Calamine lotion to soothe itching.

Q8. Can you get a rash from stress?

Yes, stress can aggravate rashes and it can cause hives and other types of skin rashes.

Q9. Is powder good for heat rash?

Drying agents like, talc or baby powder helps you to feel better because talc or powder reduces the friction and moisture from the folds or from the affected area.

Q10. How do you get rid of a heat rash fast?

-Move to a cooler, less humid place.

-Don’t scratch your skin.

-Keep the affected area dry.

-Don’t use ointments or creams that keep your skin moist.

-You can put powder on the rash to feel more comfortable.

Q11. Is heat rash itchy?

Heat rash occurs when the skin’s sweat glands are blocked and the sweat produced cannot get to the surface of the skin to evaporate. This causes inflammation and hence rash occurs.

Common symptoms of heat rash include red bumps on skin, and a prickly or itchy feeling to the skin.

Q12. What is the heat rash in adults?

One of the most common types is heat rash, or miliaria. Heat rash is a skin condition that often affects children and adults in hot, humid weather conditions. You can develop heat rash when your pores become blocked and sweat cannot escape. Other cause of heat rash is often friction on the surface of the skin.

Q13. What does prickly heat rash look like?

Heat rash looks like, small red bumps (papules) on the skin, inflammation, and a lack of sweat in the affected area. It occurs in deeper layers of the skin and is therefore more uncomfortable.

Q14. Can sunscreen give you a rash?

Some sunscreen ingredients can cause allergies. Most of the people usually use sunscreen as a first defense against the powerful rays that can cause sunburns and skin cancer.

Contact dermatitis is the most common problem, including rash, itchy skin, blisters or swelling where sunscreen was applied.

Q15. How is prickly heat caused?

Prickly heat usually develops when a person sweats more than usual, such as during hot or humid weather. The condition is caused when the body’s sweat glands become blocked.

Q16. Can heat rash get infected?

Occasionally, heat rash may get infected, when it has been scratched. Bacteria can invade the skin and cause cellulitis infections. Symptoms such as redness, swelling, increased pain, fever, or pustules.

Q17. How do you prevent heat rash?

-To help prevent heat rash, avoid situations that can lead to excessive sweating such as hot, humid environments.

-Avoid strenuous exercise when it is very warm.

-In hot weather, use air condition, fans, and cool showers and baths to stay cool

– dry your skin thoroughly

-wear lightweight, loose-fitting clothes.

Q18. Is a rash an allergic reaction?

Rashes can be caused by many things, including plants (poison ivy, for example), allergic reactions to a medication or a food, or an illness (measles or chickenpox, for example). Eczema and hives, both of which are related to allergies, are the most common skin rashes.

Q19. Can homeopathy help in treating miliaria?

Yes, homeopathy helps in treating rashes according to the symptoms. Certain medicines which help in treating rashes are:

Apis mellifica

Arsenicum album




Urtica urens.

Differential diagnosis:




-Allergic rash

-Drug reaction

-Grover’s disease (transient acantholytic dermatosis) characterized by itchy bumps on abdomen and chest that is worse with heat.

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