
What is Metritis?

Metritis is inflammation of the wall of the uterus, whereas endometritis is inflammation of the functional lining of the uterus, called the endometrium. The term pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) is often used for metritis.

What are the causes of Metritis?

Many types of bacteria can cause PID, but gonorrhea or chlamydia infections are the most common. These bacteria are usually acquired during unprotected sex.

Less commonly, bacteria can enter your reproductive tract anytime the normal barrier created by the cervix is disturbed. This can happen after childbirth, miscarriage or abortion.

What are the signs and symptoms of Metritis?

Signs and symptoms of pelvic inflammatory disease might include:

  • Pain in your lower abdomen and pelvis
  • Heavy vaginal discharge with an unpleasant odor
  • Abnormal uterine bleeding, especially during or after intercourse, or between menstrual cycles
  • Pain or bleeding during intercourse
  • Fever, sometimes with chills
  • Painful or difficult urination

PID might cause only mild signs and symptoms or none at all. When severe, PID might cause fever, chills, severe lower abdominal or pelvic pain — especially during a pelvic exam — and bowel discomfort.

What are the investigation required in Metritis?

  • Urine culture
  • Complete Blood Culture
  • Endocervical Culture
  • Ultrasonography(USG)

What are the prevention required to avoid Metritis ?

To reduce your risk of pelvic inflammatory disease:

  • Practice safe sex. Use condoms every time you have sex, limit your number of partners, and ask about a potential partner’s sexual history.
  • Talk to your doctor about contraception. Many forms of contraception do not protect against the development of PID. Using barrier methods, such as a condom, might help to reduce your risk. Even if you take birth control pills, it’s still important to use a condom every time you have sex to protect against STIs.
  • Get tested. If you’re at risk of an STI, such as chlamydia, make an appointment with your doctor for testing. Set up a regular screening schedule with your doctor if needed. Early treatment of an STI gives you the best chance of avoiding PID.
  • Request that your partner be tested. If you have pelvic inflammatory disease or an STI, advise your partner to be tested and, if necessary, treated. This can prevent the spread of STIs and possible recurrence of PID.
  • Don’t douche. Douching upsets the balance of bacteria in your vagina.

When should I see my doctor?

See your doctor or seek urgent medical care if you experience:

  • Severe pain low in your abdomen
  • Nausea and vomiting, with an inability to keep anything down
  • Fever, with a temperature higher than 101 F (38.3 C)
  • Foul vaginal discharge

If your signs and symptoms persist but aren’t severe, see your doctor as soon as possible. Vaginal discharge with an odor, painful urination or bleeding between menstrual cycles can be associated with a sexually transmitted infection (STI). If these signs and symptoms occur, stop having sex and see your doctor soon. Prompt treatment of an STI can help prevent PID.

What treatments are available for Metritis ?

-Your doctor will likely have you take antibiotics to treat PID. Because your doctor may not know the type of bacteria that caused your infection, they may give you two different types of antibiotics to treat a variety of bacteria.

-Within a few days of starting treatment, your symptoms may improve or go away. However, you should finish your medication, even if you are feeling better. Stopping your medication early may cause the infection to return.

-If you are sick or pregnant, can’t swallow pills, or have an abscess (pocket of pus caused by the infection) in your pelvis, your doctor may send you to the hospital for treatment.

-Pelvic inflammatory disease may require surgery. This is rare and only necessary if an abscess in your pelvis ruptures or your doctor suspects that an abscess will rupture. It can also be necessary if the infection does not respond to treatment.

Is Homeopathy helpful in cases of Metritis ?

Yes, Homeopathic treatment usually does not have any side effects and also has shown many benefits and advantages over the normal treatment methods and over the counter drugs

Aconite: This medicine is given to those PID patients who are experiencing fever with inflammation of uterus and ovaries which is caused due to the menstrual flow.  This homeopathic remedy is also prescribed in the case when the person experiences a painful urge to urinate coupled with vomiting and cold sweats.

Apis: This medicine is given in the case when there is soreness in the region of right ovary and the patient is also experiencing sensations like burning and stinging. This medicine is effective in reducing the intolerance towards heat and thirstlessness as well.

Arsenicum Album: This medicine is prescribed to those who have inflammation of ovaries and uterus along with throbbing.

Belladonna: When the abdomen of a patient suffering from a form of a PID is swollen and is also sensitive to touch and abdomen pain, this medicine proves to be very useful. This medicine is helpful in reducing ovaries pain when there are menses.

Lachesis:  this is another homeopathic medicine which is given to patients suffering from PID and is prescribed for sensations and pain in the left ovary.  Lachesis is useful in getting relief from the pain that is caused due to flow of blood from the vagina.

Palladium:  this useful medicine helps in reducing the enduring pain and swelling in the right ovary of patients suffering from PID.  Palladium also reduces soreness occurring from navel to the pelvis.

Platina: Platina helps in reducing the pain in ovaries and also reduces the soreness.

Is Metritis fatal?

-If not caught and treated early, ectopic pregnancies can be fatal. -Scarring can also lead to chronic pelvic pain.

-The most serious complication of PID is the rupture of either an abscess or of the walls of one of the infected organs.

-Months or years after an acute infection, infertility or ectopic pregnancy can result if your Fallopian tubes were damaged or clogged by scar tissue.

- PID can also cause chronic pain from adhesion or lingering infection. In the most extreme cases, untreated PID can result in death

What happens if I get Metritis during my pregnancy? Can pregnant women take Homeopathy?

Yes, Homeopathic treatment usually does not have any side effects and also has shown many benefits and advantages over the normal treatment methods and over the counter drugs.Many pregnant women get affected which can be treated with Homeopathy medication.

Can I have sex when I am suffering from Metritis?

No,The bacteria that cause PID can spread through sexual contact. If you are sexually active, your partner should also get treated for PID. Men may be silent carriers of bacteria that cause pelvic inflammatory disease. Your infection can recur if your partner doesn’t receive treatment. You may be asked to abstain from sexual intercourse until the infection has been resolved.

What are the factors that increase chances of Metritis ?

A number of factors might increase your risk of pelvic inflammatory disease, including:

  • Being a sexually active woman younger than 25 years old
  • Having multiple sexual partners
  • Being in a sexual relationship with a person who has more than one sex partner
  • Having sex without a condom
  • Douching regularly, which upsets the balance of good versus harmful bacteria in the vagina and might mask symptoms
  • Having a history of pelvic inflammatory disease or a sexually transmitted infection

Most experts now agree that having an intrauterine device (IUD) inserted does not increase the risk of pelvic inflammatory disease. Any potential risk is generally within the first three weeks after insertion.

What are the complications of Metritis ?

Untreated pelvic inflammatory disease might cause scar tissue. You might also develop collections of infected fluid (abscesses) in your Fallopian tubes, which could damage your reproductive organs.

Other complications might include:

  • Ectopic pregnancy. PID is a major cause of tubal (ectopic) pregnancy. In an ectopic pregnancy, the scar tissue from PID prevents the fertilized egg from making its way through the Fallopian tube to implant in the uterus. Ectopic pregnancies can cause massive, life-threatening bleeding and require emergency medical attention.
  • Infertility. PID might damage your reproductive organs and cause infertility — the inability to become pregnant. The more times you’ve had PID, the greater your risk of infertility. Delaying treatment for PID also dramatically increases your risk of infertility.
  • Chronic pelvic pain. Pelvic inflammatory disease can cause pelvic pain that might last for months or years. Scarring in your Fallopian tubes and other pelvic organs can cause pain during intercourse and ovulation.
  • Tubo-ovarian abscess. PID might cause an abscess — a collection of pus — to form in your uterine tube and ovaries. If left untreated, you could develop a life-threatening infection.

Can you have Pelvic infections or Metritis without having STDs( Sexually transmitted diseases ?

The number of women with PID has dropped in recent years. This may be because more women are getting tested regularly for chlamydia and gonorrhea. You can also get PID without having an STI. Normal bacteria in the vagina can travel into a woman’s reproductive organs and can sometimes cause PID.

Is Metritis serious, do I need to worry ?

When pelvic inflammatory disease is left untreated, it can lead to complications such as chronic pelvic pain, an increased risk of ectopic pregnancy, and infertility. PID isn’t often life-threatening, but these complications are still serious and permanent.

Can you get pregnant if you have metritis?

Yes, most women with pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) can become pregnant, but some cannot do so without some intervention by a fertility specialist. … If PID is diagnosed and treated early, women may have no problems becoming pregnant. However, if PID is left untreated, women may have trouble getting pregnant.

Is Metritis Curable?

The treatment won’t undo any damage that has already happened to your reproductive system. The longer you wait to get treated, the more likely it is that you will have complications from PID. While taking antibiotics, your symptoms may go away before the infection is cured.

Does Metritis affect men?

Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) doesn’t affect men because it’s an infection of the Fallopian tubes and uterus. It develops when bacteria move from the vagina up into the upper reproductive organs. Many times, these bacteria are sexually transmitted, and STDs like gonorrhea and chlamydia may lead to PID.

Can Metritis prevent Pregnancy?

Approximately 100,000 women a year begin struggling with infertility as a result of PID. The scar tissue may partially block or slightly damage the Fallopian tube. This can prevent the fertilized egg from leaving the tube creating an ectopic or tubal pregnancy.

What diet should I take to get better?

Eating a good diet, full of fruit and vegetables, is beneficial for everyone’s health, and most people with PIDs don’t need to take extra supplements such as vitamins.

Generally if you have a PID you should avoid raw or under cooked dishes; for example, meats, eggs and cheese.

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