Meige Syndrome

What is meige syndrome? What are causes? What are sign and symptoms? How to treat it? How can homoeopathy help you? All of this answered, in this post and of course our doctors always there to help you. Just fill in your details in the form down below and we will answer all your questions for FREE!

meige syndrome
What is Meige syndrome?

Meige syndrome is a rare neurological disorder also known as Brueghel’s syndrome and oral-facial dystonia characterized by involuntary and irregular contractions of the muscles of the jaw and tongue (oromandibular dystonia) and involuntary contractions and muscle spasms of the muscles around the eyes (blepharospasm).

Who is most likely to have Meige syndrome?

• Women are more likely than men
• Middle age, around the age of 40-60
• In rare cases, people younger than 40

What are the symptoms of Meige syndrome?

Oromandibular Symptoms
• forced contractions of your jaw and tongue
• difficulty opening the mouth (trismus)
• clenching or grinding of the teeth (bruxism)
• sideways deviation or protrusion of the jaw
• lip tightening and pursing
• Facial grimacing.
• Frowning.
• Thrusting of the chin usually while talking or eating.
• Displaced jaw (twitching of the jaw).
• jaw pain
• difficulties speaking (dysarthria)

Blepharospasm symptoms
• forced or frequent blinking or twitching when exposed to bright lights, fatigue, wind or air pollution, or tension.
• uncontrollable squinting/closing of eyes
• light sensitivity (photophobia)
• rare instances completely causing blindness
• Dry eyes
• initially affects one eye (unilateral) but later becomes bilateral.

What causes Meige syndrome?

• The cause of Meige syndrome is unknown.
• Genetic and environmental factors may be involved.
• Fault in the basal ganglia – the portion of the brain that controls movement may play a role in the development of Meige syndrome.
• Secondary to another disorder such as tardive dyskinesia, Wilson disease, and Parkinson’s disease.

How is Meige syndrome diagnosed?

There is no diagnostic test available for Meige syndrome.
A diagnosis is made after a careful examination and detailed medical history.

How is Meige syndrome treated?

• oral medications
• Injections of botulinum toxin (Botox®)
• Deep Brain Stimulation
• Speech and swallowing therapy
• Stereotactic brain surgery only in the severe case that doesn’t respond to other treatments.

What is the homeopathic treatment for Meige syndrome?

Homeopathic medication can help in providing symptomatic relief to the patient.
Medicines are:
• Agaricus
• Crocus Sativa
• Belladonna
• Hyoscyamus
• Pulsatilla

For more information, you can visit RareDiseases and ClevelandClinic.

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