Marburg Virus

What is marburg virus? What are the symptoms of marburg virus infection? How can homeopathy help you? All of this answered, in this post and of course our doctors always there to help you. Just fill in your details in the form down below and we will answer all your questions for FREE!

marburg virus
What is Marburg Virus?

Marburg virus disease is a highly virulent virus that causes hemorrhagic fever, with high fatality rate. It belongs to the same family as the virus that causes Ebola virus disease.

What family does the Marburg Virus belong?

Marburg virus is a hemorrhagic fever virus belongs to: –

Family: Filoviridae family of viruses and a member of the

Species: Marburg Marburg virus,

Genus: Marburgvirus. Marburg virus (MARV)

What is the mode of transmission of Marburg Virus?

The transmission happens via following routes: –
– direct contact with the blood,
– bodily fluids and tissues of infected persons.
– Close contact with severely ill patients, during care at home or in hospital, and certain burial practices are common routes of infection.

What is the incubation period of Marburg virus?

The incubation period is about five to 15 days.

What are the signs and symptoms of Marburg Virus?

The Early symptoms are as follows:
• Fever
• Chills
• Headache
• Muscle aches

About five days after the symptoms, the symptoms advance to the following: –
• A rash appears on the chest, back, and stomach
• Nausea
• Vomiting
• Chest pain
• Sore throat
• Abdominal pain
• Diarrhea

Symptoms continue and can become severe as follows: –
• Jaundice
• Pancreatic inflammation
• Severe weight loss
• Delirium
• Liver failure
• Massive hemorrhaging with organ dysfunction

The case fatality rate ranges from about 23%-90% of infected individuals.

What are the investigations of Marburg Virus?

The IgG-capture ELISA is used for testing later in the course of disease or after recovery.
Later the deceased patient’s immunohistochemistry, virus isolation, or PCR of blood or tissue specimens may be used to confirm the Marburg HF retrospectively

What treatment is advised for Marburg Virus?

As there is no specific treatment supportive therapy should be given which includes the following: –
-Balancing the patient’s fluids and electrolytes,
-Maintaining oxygen status and blood pressure,
-Replacing lost blood and clotting factors,
-Treatment for any complicating infections.

What is the prognosis of Marburg Virus?

The prognosis for Marburg infection is poor.
In severe cases death usually occurs between 8 and 9 days.
The deterioration of the patient happens after the onset is preceded by severe blood loss and shock.

What are the complications of Marburg Virus?

As the prognosis is poor, the fatality rate varies from about 23%-90%.
Individuals who are supported in an intensive-care unit have a better chance of survival.
Complications include the following:
• Retinitis (inflammation of the retinas of the eyes)
• Orchitis (inflammation of the testes)
• Hepatitis (liver inflammation)
• Uveitis (inflammation within he pigmented layer of the eye)
• Transverse myelitis (inflammation of a segment of the spinal cord)
• Encephalitis (brain inflammation)

What prevention can be done in Marburg virus spread?

People exposed to Marburg virus usually show signs of infection in about 14 days after exposure. The clinical symptoms resemble Ebola virus disease so the best way of prevention of further spread is people are placed in isolation for 21 days to stop the spread of infection.

What is the differential diagnosis of Marburg Virus?

The differential diagnosis of Marburg’s virus is:
– Ebola hemorrhagic fever
– Malaria
– Typhoid fever
– Leptospirosis
– Rickettsial infection
– Plague
– Bacterial dysentery
– Meningococcemia

Related: Ebola Virus Disease
What the names of commonly indicated Homeopathic remedies of Marburg Virus?

The commonly indicated Homeopathic remedies are as follows: –
• Ferrum Phos
• Bellis Perennis
• Phosphorus
• Bryonia Alba
• Millefolium
• Ruta Graveolens
• Calendula

For more information, you can visit Wikipedia and CDC.

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