Lumbar Canal Stenosis

What is lumbar canal stenosis? How to manage it? What are the precautions to be taken? What are the signs and symptoms? What is the cause of this disease? How to treat it? How can homeopathy help you? All of this answered, in this post and of course our doctors always there to help you. Just fill in your details in the form down below and we will answer all your questions for FREE!

lumbar canal stenosis

What is lumbar canal stenosis?

Lumbar canal stenosis is the narrowing of the spinal canal through which nerves and other structures pass through the canal. These nerves transmit sensation from the buttocks and to the lower extremities through the spinal cord and transmit motor signals from the brain to the lower extremities to produce movement of the legs, toes, and joints of the lower


Lumbar canal stenosis is mainly caused by degenerative arthritis.

Cervical spinal stenosis compresses the spinal cord and may cause major weakness or paralysis. Lumbar spinal stenosis causes sciatica, which is numbness or a tingling sensation that moves from your lower back through the buttocks and down your legs.

Causes of Lumbar canal stenosis?

-Lumbar canal stenosis can be congenital and acquired

-Degenerative arthritis / degenerative disc disease.

-Lumbar spinal stenosis can also be caused by conditions that decrease the space of the spinal canal or vertebral foramen due to tumor any infection.

-Surgical infusion

Lumbar canal stenosis Signs and Symptoms?

-Low back pain, leg pain

-Tingling in legs

-Fatigue in legs

-Weakness, numbness in legs, leg cramps

-Standing and bending backward can make the symptoms worse.

-Symptoms may begin in the lower legs and progress upwards toward the buttocks or they may begin in the buttocks and progress downward.

-Spinal nerve compression in the neck can lead to pain in the neck, shoulders, arms, and hands.

-Loss of bladder and bowel control

Is walking good for spinal stenosis?

Walking and swimming is a very good exercise for spinal stenosis as it strengthens the back muscle.

Is Spinal stenosis a permanent disability?

Spinal stenosis is a condition in which narrowing of the spinal canal takes place and it causes compression in the spinal cord which results in intense pain. Spinal stenosis is not a permanent disability.

How do you fix spinal stenosis without surgery?

There is no permanent cure for spinal stenosis but conservative treatment helps in relieving the symptoms.

Is heat good for spinal stenosis?

Yes, heat therapy is good for lumbar stenosis as heating in the lower back is an effective way to relieve pain as heating relaxes the muscles of the back, stimulates the blood flow and accelerates the healing process.

Investigations for Lumbar canal stenosis?

-Complete medical history and physical examination

-Examination of the affected legs (range of motion, strength, sensation, reflexes).

-Examining hips and knees

-Plain X-rays of the back.

-MRI / CT scan

-EMG (electromyogram) /Nerve conduction study

Treatment for Lumbar canal stenosis?

-Physical therapists can work with you to develop an appropriate exercise program.

-Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medicines (NSAIDs) or pain-relieving medicines might be prescribed to decrease pain and increase your activity level.

-Injection of a cortisone-like medicine which might help in reducing the swelling and inflammation of the nerve roots.


-Weight loss


Complications of Lumbar canal stenosis?

-There may disability and loss of productivity.

-Intractable axial, radicular or NC pain.

-Weakness and numbness of the lower extremity.

-Cauda equina syndrome.

After surgery complications may include are as follows:

-Leakage of cerebrospinal fluid.

-Epidural hematoma

-Embolism of the pulmonary artery

-Progressive spinal deformity

-Sustained radicular and axial pain.

Homeopathic treatment for Lumbar canal stenosis?


-Kali carbonicum


-Rhus Toxicodendron

For more information, you can visit Wikipedia and eMedicine.

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