Lactose Intolerance

What is Lactose Intolerance? What are causes? What are sign and symptoms? How to treat it? How can homoeopathy help you? All of this answered, in this post and of course our doctors always there to help you. Just fill in your details in the form down below and we will answer all your questions for FREE!Lactose Intolerance

What is Lactose Intolerance?

Lactose intolerance is also known as Lactose Malabsorption is a digestive disorder caused by the inability to digest lactose which is characterized by diarrhea, bloated abdomen, gas after eating or drinking dairy products. Lactose intolerance occurs when the small intestine does not produce enough of an enzyme (lactase) to digest milk sugar (lactose). Lactose is mainly presented in dairy products such as milk, cheese, yogurt, etc.

Who is affected by Lactose Intolerance?

Mainly the children and adults are more affected due to lactose intolerance. Around 75% of the world’s population is affected due to lactose intolerant.

Also Read: Malabsorption Syndrome
What are the Symptoms of Lactose Intolerance?

• Bloating
• Abdominal cramps
• Diarrhea mainly after eating
• Flatulence
• Nausea and vomiting
• Discomfort abdomen
• Belching
• In rare cases, constipation is seen
• Weakness
• Headache
• Dizziness
• Excessive sweating

What are the causes of Lactose Intolerance?

• Low immunity
• Premature birth
• Use of long-term medicines like antibiotics.
• Some disease conditions affecting the small intestine like:
– Bacterial overgrowth
– Celiac disease
– Gastroenteritis
– Crohn’s disease
– Ulcerative colitis
– Radiation therapies

What are the types of Lactose Intolerance?

There are two main types of lactose intolerance-

1. Primary Lactose Intolerance
Primary lactose intolerance is commonly seen. Primary lactose intolerance is caused by a decrease in lactase production which can lead to poor absorption. This form of lactose intolerance may be partially caused by genes presence.

2. Secondary Lactose Intolerance
This type of lactose intolerance is seen in rare cases. It is caused by due to the illness, such as:
• Stomach bug
• Celiac disease
• Inflammation in the gut wall can result in a decline in lactose production.

3. Congenital or developmental lactose intolerance
This type of lactose intolerance mainly seen in babies born with lactose intolerance caused by a lack of lactase. This disorder is passed from generation to generation. Premature infants can also have lactose intolerance because of an insufficient lactase level.

Can we suddenly become lactose intolerant?
Yes, lactose intolerance symptoms can appear suddenly. And the appearance of the symptoms depends upon person to person’s individuality.
Which foods are high in lactose?

Some of the food which are high in lactose are:
• Cheese
• Buttermilk
• Milk
• Ice cream
• Hot chocolate
• Malted milk
• Powdered or dried milk
• Sour cream
• Lactobacillus milk
• Yogurt

Also Read: Food Allergy
How is Lactose Intolerance diagnosed?

• History of the patient
• Family history of the patient
• Blood test
• Hydrogen breath test
• Lactose tolerance test

Also Read: Signs You Are Gluten Intolerant
Is there any treatment for lactose intolerance?

Yes, homeopathic medicines can treat lactose intolerance effectively. Some of the homeopathic medicines include:
• Natrum Carb
• Nux Vomica
• Petroleum
• Silicea
• China

How to manage Lactose Intolerance?

• Eat a healthy nutritious diet.
• Avoid lactose rich diet.
• Choosing smaller servings of dairy.
• Drink milk with other foods. This slows the digestive process and may lessen the symptoms of lactose intolerance.
• Eat lactose-reduced or lactose-free products.
• Use lactase enzyme tablets or drops.

For more information, you can visit HealthLine and WebMD.

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