Jock itch

Jock itch is a common itchy rash mainly in the groin. It can be a very intense itch and is associated with a red or pink rash involving the groin folds and genitals. It is mainly seen in groins and it may spread to the inner thighs, genitals and anus. The rash is frequently seen in healthy people whereas the person suffering from diabetes and obesity are more susceptible.


What is the jock itch?

Jock itch is a common itchy rash mainly in the groin. It can be a very intense itch and is associated with a red or pink rash involving the groin folds and genitals. It is mainly seen in groins and it may spread to the inner thighs, genitals and anus. The rash is frequently seen in healthy people whereas the person suffering from diabetes and obesity are more susceptible.

Common in?

Jock itch is the most common in adult and middle-aged men. Patients with diabetes, obesity and those with a compromised immune system like HIV /AIDS, hepatitis, chronic illness, and cancer are more prone to.

How it occurs?

• Moisture due to excessive perspiration, warmth and friction of the skin in the groin folds.

• Tight clothing and undergarments that trap in sweat.

• Infections caused by fungus and Candida (yeast), Trichophyton and Epidermophyton.

• Infection by bacteria particularly corynebacterium.

Jock itch signs and symptoms?

• The rash begins with mild intermittent itching in the groin. The rash is usually on both sides of the groin and affects the folds.

• The rash becomes dry, rough and bumpy develops a pus bump and begins to ooze. The itching and rash can spread to the genitals including the labia, vagina, scrotum, penis and anus.

• It does not affect the entire body. Jock itch is limited to the groins, inner thighs folds, genitals and anal area.

How to diagnose jock itch?

A skin biopsy is used to confirm the diagnosis.

A skin culture or swab may be taken to detect an infectious cause of the jock itch.

A bacterial culture is useful to check for bacteria like staphylococcus on the skin.

Microscopic skin tests and fungal tests using potassium hydroxide may help to determine if the jock itch is caused by yeast or a fungus. Jock itch may be caused by an athlete’s foot and is called as tinea pedis.

Jock itch is not contagious. It is caused by an infection which may be transmitted through skin contact, sharing the towels, etc. Athletes are more prone to develop jock itch.

Is jock itch a sign of a STD?

“Jock itch”, is caused by a fungus called Tinea cruris and is not a sign of STD. It is generally transmitted by direct or indirect contact with an infected person. Jock itch is a curable infection.

Is a jock itch serious?

Jock itch is not a serious condition and can be prevented and treated very easily. It is caused by mould-like fungus or yeast. It causes rashes around the groin, buttocks, thighs and genitals.

Does the jock itch go away if untreated?

If not treated then it may last for weeks or months as jock itch is less severe than other tinea infections.

Complications of jock itch?

These are infrequent as jock itch is usually a self-limited skin condition. Secondary infection from scratching or rubbing can uncommonly deepen causing cellulitis or abscess formation.

Prevention of jock itch?

• Wash the groin and buttocks with soap and water after exercise and sweating.

• Wash clothes and undergarments in hot soapy water.

• Use loose-fitting cotton underwear and clothing.

• Avoid undergarments with polyester, nylon, or synthetic fibres.

• Use anti-fungal powder to keep the groin dry.

• Avoid fragrance creams on the groins.

• Avoid going barefoot, especially at the school, and public pools.

• Treat athlete’s foot if you have it.


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