What is Hypothyroidism? How to manage it? What are the precautions to be taken? What are the signs and symptoms? What is the cause of this disease? How to treat it? How can homeopathy help you? All of this answered, in this post and of course our doctors always there to help you. Just fill in your details in the form down below and we will answer all your questions for FREE!

What is Hypothyroidism?
Hypothyroidism or underactive thyroid is a condition in which thyroid gland doesn’t produce enough amount of thyroid gland. Thyroid hormones help in the body’s metabolism. Its underproduction slows down the metabolism that causes damage to various organs and tissues of the body and results in life-threatening complications.
What are the risk factors for Hypothyroidism?
Risk factors are:
•Being women
•Growing old
•Family history of thyroid disease
•History of any other autoimmune disease
•Anti thyroid medication or radioactive iodine treatment
•Radiation exposure
•History of thyroid surgery
What are the causes of Hypothyroidism?
•Hashimoto’s thyroiditis
•Destruction of the thyroid gland due to radioactive iodine or surgery.
•Radiation therapy to the neck area
•Iodine deficient diet
•Lymphocytic thyroiditis
•The congenitally absent thyroid gland
•Pituitary or hypothalamic disease
•Medicines used for hyperthyroidism may reduce the level to such an extent to cause hypothyroidism
What are the sign and symptoms of Hypothyroidism?
Common symptoms of hypothyroidism are:
• Weight gain.
• Fatigue.
• Depression.
• Intolerance to cold.
• Dry skin and hairs
• Abnormal menstrual cycles
• Constipation.
• Excessive sleepiness.
• Swelling of the legs.
• Slurred speech.
• Muscle cramps.
• Low body temperature.
• Puffiness around eyes.
• Heart failure.
What is the differential diagnosis of Hypothyroidism?
• Autoimmune thyroid disease.
• Hypothermia.
• Goiter.
• Hypoalbuminemia.
• Hypopituitarism.
• Infertility.
• Iodine deficiency.
• Ovarian insufficiency.
• Obesity.
• Thyroiditis.
What are the investigations for Hypothyroidism?
• A blood test to check for thyroid hormones T3 and T4.
• Measurement of TSH confirms the diagnosis. TSH level will be elevated in hypothyroidism to enhance the production of thyroid hormones.
• A thyroid scan, clinical history, and antibody screening help in diagnosing the cause of the thyroid problem.
• MRI of the brain may be needed in case if pituitary or hypothalamus disease is suspected.
What is the treatment of Hypothyroidism?
• Synthetic T4 supplements.
• Thyroid hormone replacement.
What is the dietary management of Hypothyroidism?
• Vitamin B and iron-rich diets like fresh vegetables and whole grain.
• Antioxidants e.g. tomatoes, grapes, cherries, oranges, etc.
• Exercise is helpful in such cases
What happens if Hypothyroidism left untreated?
• Infertility.
• Miscarriage.
• Heart diseases.
• Low blood pressure.
• Low blood sugar.
• Decreased breathing.
• Below normal temperature.
What is the homeopathic treatment for Hypothyroidism?
-Natrum Mur
-Calcarea carb
For more information, you can visit WebMD and endocrineweb.