
What is Hyperthyroidism? How to manage it? What are the precautions to be taken? What are the signs and symptoms? What is the cause of this disease? How to treat it? How can homeopathy help you? All of this answered, in this post and of course our doctors always there to help you. Just fill in your details in the form down below and we will answer all your questions for FREE!


What is hyperthyroidism?

Hyperthyroidism defined as the overactivity of the hypothalamus, pituitary gland or thyroid gland occurs and it results in the release of excess amount of thyroid hormones in blood circulation, the condition is called hyperthyroidism.

Two most important hormones of the thyroid are thyroxine (T4) and tri-iodothyronine (T3).

Which age group are affected due to hyperthyroidism?

• It most commonly occurs between 20-40 years.

• Mainly the females are more affected than males.

What are the causes of Hyperthyroidism?

Common causes of hyperthyroidism are:

• Family history of the patient.

• Excessive intake of iodine.

• Grave’s disease (Overactivity of the thyroid gland).

• It is a hereditary disease and more common in women.

• An eye disease called Grave’s ophthalmopathy and skin lesions occurs in Grave’s disease. In grave’s ophthalmopathy eyes protrude and double vision may occur with hypersensitivity to light and sensation of san in the eyes. Skin lesions include red-coloured rashes on the front side of the legs.

• Increased intake of thyroid hormones.

• The viral illness causes Inflammation of the thyroid gland called thyroiditis.

• Toxic multinodular goiter: As the age progresses thyroid gland becomes modular. These nodules do not produce thyroid hormones. Anyone nodule may get functional and does not respond to the pituitary gland and produces its own thyroid hormones. If there is more than one functioning nodule then it is called toxic multi-nodular goitre.

• Tumour of the pituitary gland secrets increased the amount of TSH.

What are the signs and symptoms of Hyperthyroidism?

-Patients with mild disease and patients over 70 years of age experience no symptoms.

-Hyperthyroidism causes the increased metabolic rate of the body and the signs and symptoms are as follows:

• Intolerance to heat.

• Increased sweating.

• Increased bowel movements.

• Puffiness around the eyes.

• Tremor.

• Weight loss.

• Nervousness.

• Rapid heart rate.

• Scanty and irregular periods.

• Fatigue.

• Decreased concentration.

What is the differential diagnosis of Hyperthyroidism?

• Graves’ Disease.

• Goitre.

• Thyrotoxicosis.

• Plummer-Vinson Syndrome.

What is the diagnostic Test for Hyperthyroidism?

• Blood TSH level.

• If eyes are involved suspicion for Grave’s disease rises, then antibody screening and thyroid scan with radioactive iodine are done.

• If there is an abnormally high level of TSH it gives rises to suspicion of pituitary tumour.

How to treat hyperthyroidism?

• Beta-blocker

• Anti-thyroid drugs

• Radio-active iodine

• Surgery:

Thyroid tissue that produces excess thyroid hormone is removed through surgery; the process is called partial thyroidectomy.

What is the dietary management of hyperthyroidism?

• Green leafy vegetables.

• Cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli helps in reducing thyroid hormone production.

• Food containing omega-3 fatty acid.

• Soy products.

• Antioxidants rich fruits like berries, grapes, oranges, lemon, etc.

• Dairy products.

What are the complications of hyperthyroidism?

• Congestive heart failure.

• Rapid heart rate.

• Osteoporosis.

• Scarring of the neck, hoarseness due to nerve damage after surgery.

Can homeopathy help in the case of hyperthyroidism?

Every branch of science has its own scope and limitations, so does Homeopathy. Although Homeopathy has a lot of very good remedies for controlling auto-immune disorders, male & female disorders, children and elderly people. Some of the homeopathic medicine can help symptomatically in this case. These medicines are:

-Calcarea carb



For more information, you can visit MayoClinic and MedlinePlus.

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