Hirschsprung Disease

What is Hirschsprung Disease? How to manage it? What are the precautions to be taken? What are the signs and symptoms? What is the cause of this disease? How to treat it? How can homeopathy help you? All of this answered, in this post and of course our doctors always there to help you. Just fill in your details in the form down below and we will answer all your questions for FREE!

What Hirschsprung disease is?

• Hirschsprung disease is a genetic disorder.

• It affects the intestine mainly the large intestine.

• In this, the large intestine cannot function because it has no nerve.

• It causes severe constipation or intestinal obstruction.

• The severity of the disease depends on how much large intestine is affected.

In Hirschsprung disease, if the nerve cells are lacking in the last part of large intestine known as short-segment Hirschsprung disease.

In Hirschsprung disease, if the nerve cells are lacking in most or all of the large intestine known as long-segment Hirschsprung disease.

Who are at risk of Hirschsprung disease?

• Males have a high tendency to develop this disorder as compared to females.

• The disease is diagnosed in new-born

What are the causes of Hirschsprung disease?

• Hirschsprung disease is a hereditary condition.

• Normally in a child before birth nerve cells grow along in the intestine in the direction of the anus.

• Nerve cells of the child with Hirschsprung disease stop growing.

• The reason that why the nerve cells stop growing is not known.

• The digested material moves through the gut by the contractions called peristalsis. These contractions are controlled by nerves that lie in between muscles of the intestine.

• In this disease, the nerves are missing and prevent the contractions and results in blockage of digested food and constipation.

What are the sign and symptoms of Hirschsprung Disease?

Symptoms in newborn:-

• Explosive stool after inserting the finger into the rectum.

• Bloody diarrhea.

• Vomiting.

• Swollen abdomen, full of gas.

Symptoms in older children are:

• Passes stool only with the help of enema and laxatives.

• Swollen abdomen, full of gas.

• Slow growth.

• Anemia.

• Bloody diarrhea.

How to investigate Hirschsprung Disease?

• History of the patient.

• Family history of the patient.

• USG abdomen.

• Anal manometry.

• Barium enema.

• Rectal biopsy.

How to treat Hirschsprung Disease?

• Surgery is the treatment of Hirschsprung disease.

What are the dietary management of Hirschsprung Disease?

• Increase the intake of fluids.

• Include high fiber diet in meals.

• Laxatives are helpful.

Is Hirschsprung Disease Curable?

• In most cases, symptoms improve or go away after surgery.

• In some cases, constipation remains or patient experiences fecal incontinence.

• Early treatment has a good prognosis.

What is the complications of Hirschsprung Disease?

• Infection of the intestine resulting in the swollen abdomen and foul-smelling diarrhea.

• Perforation of the intestine.

• Malnourishment.

• Dehydration.

What is the differential diagnosis of Hirschsprung Disease?

• Intestinal Motility Disorders

• Constipation

• Irritable Bowel Syndrome

• Intestinal Pseudo-obstruction

• Megacolon

For more information, you can visit WebMD and MayoClinic.

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