What is herpes simplex virus? What are the symptoms of herpes simplex virus infection? What is the difference between HSV1 and HSV2? How can homeopathy help you? All of this answered, in this post and of course our doctors always there to help you. Just fill in your details in the form down below and we will answer all your questions for FREE!

What is Herpes Simplex Virus?
The herpes simplex virus is the one that causes herpes. The virus usually affects the external genitalia, mucosal surfaces, anal region, and skin. Herpes simplex virus is of two types:-.
• HSV-1: primarily causes oro-facial disease – cold sores and fever blisters around the mouth and on the face.
• HSV-2: primarily causes genital disease – genital herpes.
Who is more prone to get affected with Herpes Simplex Virus?
Risk factors for HSV include:
• Having multiple sex partners
• Having sex at a younger age
• Being female
• Having another sexually transmitted infection (STI)
• Having a weakened immune system
• Having sex not protected by condoms or other barrier methods
• Having an outbreak of genital herpes at the time of childbirth can expose the baby to both types of HSV
What is the mode of transmission of Herpes Simplex Virus?
HSV-1 can be transmitted through oral secretions or sores on the skin from general interactions such as through kissing, sharing objects such as toothbrushes or lip balm, or eating from the same utensils.
HSV-2 can be transmitted through sexual contact with someone who has a genital HSV-2 infection
What are the causes of Herpes Simplex Virus?
For people who can go through periods of being dormant, attacks can be brought on by the following conditions:
• General illness
• Fatigue
• Physical or emotional stress
• Immunosuppression due to medications as chemotherapy or steroids or illness such as AIDS
• Trauma to the affected area
• Menstruation
What is the incubation period of the Herpes Simplex Virus?
The incubation period for herpes simplex virus is 2 to 12 days.
What are the signs and symptoms of the Herpes Simplex Virus?
Symptoms associated with this virus include:
• Blistering sores (in the mouth or on the genitals or rectum)
• Burning or pain in or around the genital area
• Pain during urination (genital herpes)
• Blisters breaks down leaving tender sores
• It can also spread to the eyes, causing herpes keratitis which can cause eye pain, discharge, and a gritty feeling in the eye.
• Oral herpes lesions (cold sores) usually cause burning and tingling.
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What are the investigations of the Herpes Simplex Virus?
• Physical examination
• HSV testing also known as herpes culture
• Blood tests for antibodies to HSV-1 and HSV-2
• PCR Test
What treatment is advised for Herpes Simplex Virus?
No cure available for this virus only symptomatic treatment is available to limit the outbreak and get rid of sores. It’s also possible that your sores will go away without treatment. Medication may relieve the pain and can also shorten healing time. Warm baths can decrease the pain associated with genital sores.
What is the prognosis of the Herpes Simplex Virus?
Mostly, herpes simplex virus (HSV) infections are temporary and resolve without detrimental complications. However, recurrence is common. Long-term complications are more common with neonatal HSV infection. Scarring may occur from superinfected or severe lesions.
What are the complications of the Herpes Simplex Virus?
• Hearing loss
• Encephalitis
• Bacterial super infection
• Aseptic meningitis
• Visceral and CNS dissemination in cases of neonatal HSV
What is the differential diagnosis of Herpes Simplex Virus?
• Varicella-zoster virus
• Epstein-Barr virus
• Cytomegalovirus
• Human herpesvirus types 6, 7, and 8
Also Read: Herpes Zoster
What management is helpful for Herpes Simplex Virus?
Although there is no cure for herpes, you can take measures to avoid or to prevent transmitting HSV to another person.
• Avoid direct physical contact with other people.
• Don’t share any personal items that can pass the virus such as towels, clothing, makeup, or lip balm, and even the utensils.
• Don’t participate in kissing, oral sex, or any other type of sexual activity during an outbreak.
• Wash your hands thoroughly
• Apply medication with cotton swabs to reduce contact with sores.
What the names of commonly indicated Homeopathic remedies of Herpes Simplex Virus?
The commonly indicated Homeopathic remedies are as follows: –
• Natrum Mur
• Hypericum Perf
• Rhus Tox
• Euphorbium officinarum
• Graphites
• Hepar Sulph
For more information, you can visit HealthLine and eMedicine.