What is Anthrax /Woolsorter’s Disease/ Rag Picker’s Disease ?
Anthrax is a severe illness that normally affecting animals, such as goats, cattle, sheep, and horses. It can be transmitted to humans by contacting with infected animals or their products. It can result in blood infection and death. It enters the human body through the intestines, lungs (inhalation), or skin (cutaneous). It does not usually spread from an infected human to a non-infected human.
Incubation period may be relatively short, from one to five days.
What are the causes of Anthrax Disease?
The bacterial infection majorly affects animals such as sheep, cattle, goats and the humans who came into contact with infected animals. It is caused by bacterium named as Bacillus anthracis.
Three main routes of infection are –
Cutaneous anthrax- This type occurs when anthrax spores touch a cut or scrape on the skin. Anthrax is found most commonly when humans handle infected animals and/or animal products and is one of most common, people at risk of this anthrax are – wool workers and veterinarians. This type affects body area such as arms, head and neck.
Inhalation anthrax – This type develops when spores of anthrax enter the lungs through the respiratory tract. There is germination of bacterial spores before the actual disease occurs. The process usually takes 1 to 6 days. Once the spores germinate, release l toxic substances causing internal bleeding, swelling, and tissue death.
Oropharyngeal (mouth and throat) anthrax- Swallowing of anthrax spores result in anthrax appearing in the mouth and throat two to seven days after exposure with difficulty in swallowing Gastrointestinal anthrax- this type occurs on consuming anthrax-infected meat. Symptoms include nausea, loss of appetite, fever, and diarrhea.
Anthrax meningitis – It may spread to lining of central nervous system and brain.
How to diagnose Anthrax Disease?
Patient may have symptoms like
• High fever
• Difficulty in breathing
• Shock
• Meningitis (inflammation of brain and spinal cord)
• Discomfort in chest
• Fatigue
• Muscle ache
• Sore throat
• Nausea
• Vomiting
• Loss of appetite
• Swollen neck
• Difficulty in swallowing
• Bloody diarrhea
• Cutaneous anthrax – A raised, itchy bump resembling an insect bite that quickly develops into a painless sore with a black center
• Abdominal pain
• Painless sores
• Chest pain
What investigations are advised for Anthrax Disease?
• Complete history of patient
• Occupation of patient
• Blood culture
• Chest X-ray
• Biopsy
• Chest CT scan
• Sputum culture
• Throat swab
What is the prognosis for Anthrax Disease?
With antibiotics, anthrax is likely to get better. However,20% of people not getting treatment may die if anthrax spreads to the blood.
What precautions should be taken when patients get affected with Anthrax disease?
• Person contaminated should wash their hands and feet with soap and water.
• Chemo prophylaxis with antibiotics
• For lowering risk of getting anthrax
• Avoiding eating meat which has not been properly cooked.
• Avoid working with raw animal hides, fur or skin, those of goats, sheep, or cows.
What Homeopathy medicines are commonly indicated in treating Anthrax disease?
• Anthracinum
• Arsenicum album
• Carbolic acid
• Lachesis