What is a Ganglion?
A ganglion or bible cyst is a small fluid-filled sac that is formed from the lining of a joint or tendon. It is filled with a thick jelly fluid. Many smaller ones or large cysts may develop.
A ganglion is more common in women and in people between the ages of 20-40. It occurs rarely in children younger than 10 years.
Where do ganglion cysts most commonly form?
They develop commonly on the back of the hand, at the wrist joint, and can also develop on the palm side of the wrist. Other less common sites include:
• The base of the fingers of the palm
• The fingertip, just below the cuticle
• The thumb
• The outside of the knee and ankle
• The top of the foot or toes
• The shoulder
What causes a Ganglion?
The exact cause is unknown. Factors that are associated with its formation are:
• Injury to the joints or tendons.
• Certain occupations require overuse of certain joints such as the wrist and fingers, for instance, typewriting which can lead to ganglion formation.
• Certain diseases such as osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis.
What Are the Signs and Symptoms Of Ganglion?
• It appears as a bump that changes size.
• The swelling may appear suddenly, may get smaller in size, and may even go away, and recur.
• Usually soft, 1-3 cm in diameter.
• Mostly ganglions are painful while others may be asymptomatic.
•Constant aching pain worse by the movement of the joint.
• There can be a sense of weakness in the affected finger when the cyst is connected to a tendon.
How to Diagnose Ganglion?
The doctor may perform a physical exam by applying pressure to the cyst to test for tenderness or discomfort. Other tests to confirm the diagnosis include:
• X-ray
• Ultrasound
What is the treatment for Ganglion?
The doctor may adopt one of several treatment options:
• Immobilization- Activity causes the ganglion to increase in size. A wrist brace or splint may relieve the symptoms, letting the ganglion shrink in size.
• Aspiration- removal of the ganglion fluid with a needle and syringe, with or without an injection of cortisone medication.
• Surgical removal- it is needed when the mass is painful or causes numbness or tingling of the hand or fingers.
Is surgical removal effective for Ganglion?
If you compare aspiration and surgical removal, in general, cysts return less often after surgery. Surgery involves either removal of the cysts through a small incision within which a camera (arthroscopy) is inserted to view the area or through a bigger incision to view the cysts and the surrounding area directly. Arthroscopic surgery is more common because of the smaller resultant scar and shorter healing times.
Is follow-up necessary after receiving treatment?
Follow-up will be different based on the treatment received.
• After aspiration, your doctor may ask to start moving the joint soon after the procedure.
• Your doctor may ask you to return for a checkup after surgery and will decide if physical or occupational therapies are needed.
Is It Possible to Prevent Ganglion Cysts?
No, it is not possible to prevent ganglion because the cause is not known. However, early evaluation and treatment are recommended.
Can a ganglion cyst turn into cancer?
Ganglion cysts are non-cancerous and they are usually harmless.
What Is the Prognosis of a Ganglion Cyst?
The prognosis of a ganglion is generally good. They can resolve spontaneously, but they can require injection or resection for complete recovery.
What is the differential diagnosis of Ganglion?
• Tenosynovitis
• Lipoma
• Sarcoma
• Giant cell tumor of the tendon sheath
What are the commonly indicated Homeopathic remedies for Ganglion?
-Benzoic acid
-Calcarea flourica
-Rhus toxicodendron