Fragile -X Syndrome / Marker X Syndrome

Fragile X syndrome causes mild to severe intellectual disability. It affects both males and females, but females usually have milder symptoms. It is the second most common cause of genetically associated mental deficiencies after trisomy 21.


What is Fragile X Syndrome?

Fragile X syndrome is the most common cause of inherited mental retardation.

It is the second most common cause of genetically associated mental deficiencies after trisomy 21.

Fragile X syndrome occurs because the mutated gene cannot produce enough of a protein that is needed by the body’s cells, especially cells in the brain, to develop and function normally

Who is at risk of getting affected by Fragile X syndrome?

Fragile X syndrome is an inherited disorder which is present at the time of birth.

Females carry the gene abnormality 2-4 times more often than males. The pattern of inheritance most closely resembles X-linked dominance.

What are the causes of Fragile X syndrome?

• Fragile X is a change in a single gene called the Fragile X Mental Retardation 1 (FMR1) gene, usually found on X chromosome.

• Down syndrome

• Repeat in a genetic code

•PKU ( phenylketonuria )

•During Pregnancy -excessive use of alcohol, exposure to poisons in the environment, and diseases such as rubella.

What are the signs and symptoms of Fragile X syndrome?

• Elongated face, large/protruding ears (one or both)

• Low muscle tone ( hypotonic )

• Flat feet, soft skin

• Middle ear infections

• Sinusitis

• Stereotypic movement (hand –flapping)

• Limited eye contact

• Memory problems

• Large testes in men after puberty

• Social anxiety

• ADHD in the majority of males

• Hyperactivity

• Lazy eye ( strabismus )

• High risk of seizures

What investigations are advised for Fragile X syndrome?

• IQ ( intelligence quotient )

• Neuropsychological history

• Family, developmental, cognitive, and neuropsychological histories

• Screening and diagnosis in utero or during infancy

• Delayed Milestones in the first year of life, like delays in speech and language, are notable, and impairment of fine motor skills.

• Impairment of Language Expressive ability, short-term memory, and problem-solving skills.

• Patient’s (IQ) also is an indicator of the presence of mental retardation (20-70) which could be mild-to-severe

• Patients have many neuropsychological features, including depression, general and separation anxiety, and oppositional defiant disorder.

What is the differential diagnosis of Fragile X syndrome?


• Asperger Syndrome

• Marfan Syndrome

• PDD (Pervasive Developmental Disorder)

• PDD (Rett Syndrome)

What treatment is advised in cases of Fragile X syndrome?

• Genetic counselling is important to inform patients and families.

• Speech and language therapist

• Occupational and physical therapist

• Special education professional behavior problems.

• Neurologist: Consult a neurologist if seizures persist.

•An ophthalmologist’s opinion is important for cases affected by strabismus.

• Gastroenterologist

• Folic acid supplementation

• New medication trials, such as fenobam, that act as mGluR5 antagonists are still in process.

What is the prognosis for Fragile X syndrome?

There is no shortening of life expectancy

What are commonly indicated Homeopathic remedies for Fragile X syndrome?

• Ambra grisea

• Alumina

• Anacardium orientale

• Cannabis indica

• Thuja

What is dietary advice for patients suffering from Fragile X syndrome?

• Special education is needed for patients with fragile X syndrome

• Behavioral therapy and speech therapy help in leading an easy life

• Genetic counseling helps

• Prophylactic treatment is suggested such as anti-depressants, stimulants, anti-convulsants, and anti-psychotics


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