Food allergy is a reaction of the body’s immune system to a particular food product.
It can cause mild to severe and life-threatening reactions (anaphylaxis).
It is usually confused with food intolerance which is caused by digestion problems, such as milk or lactose intolerance.
Does the weak immune system lead to food allergies?
Allergies are a result of the immune system reacting to certain proteins found in foods. The immune system treats these proteins as harmful agents and thought starts fighting agents them by releasing chemicals and histamines.
What food allergies are most common?
• Milk allergy(mostly in case of children).
• Eggs.
• Peanuts.
• Wheat and other grains with gluten, including barley, rye, and oats.
• Fish allergy (mostly in the case of adults).
What’s the most common allergy?
The most common allergies are:
-dust mites,
-animal dander,
-insect stings.
Can Food Allergies Be Cured?
No, but we can treat and control the symptoms accordingly.
What are the signs and symptoms of food allergies?
In the case of Skin:
• Hives
• Swelling
• Eczema, contact dermatitis
In the case of the Gastrointestinal tract:
• Itching of the lips, mouth, and throat.
• Swelling of the throat.
• Abdominal cramping and distension.
• Diarrhea.
• Colic.
• Gastrointestinal bleeding.
In the case of the Respiratory tract:
• Runny/stuffed-up nose, sneezing, and postnasal discharge.
• Chronic pneumonia
• Middle ear infection
In case of Systemic symptoms:
• Anaphylaxis.
• Low blood pressure
• Heart rhythm irregularities.
• Poor growth.
How to investigate food allergies?
• Complete case history
• Physical examination.
• Skin test.
• Blood test
How to treat food allergies?
• Antihistamines
• Adrenaline injections.
How to manage food allergies?
Consult a dietitian or nutritionist.
• Avoid foods which are known allergens for you.
• Yoga and meditation can also help in better and healthy living.
• Elimination and change of diet.
• Avoid eating outside or read all ingredients guide before ordering food.
What are the indicated homoeopathic medicines for Food Allergies?
-Arsenicum album
-Calcarea carbonica
-Carbo vegetables
-Natrum muriaticum