
Folliculitis is the infection of one or more of the pockets from which hair grows which causes Pus-filled blisters and inflammation of surrounding skin .Acne represents a noninfectious form of folliculitis.


What is folliculitis?

Folliculitis is defined as the inflammation or infection of the hair follicle. It can be superficial or deep. At first, it looks like small red bumps or white-headed pimples around hair follicles. Acne represents a noninfectious form of folliculitis.

What are the types of folliculitis?

• Sycosis barbae – this is the medical name for chronic folliculitis in the beard area of the face in men. It often affects the upper lip and it can be difficult to treat. Numerous pustules develop in the hair follicles
• Hot tub folliculitis – This tends to affect people who use hot tubs a lot. The hot water encourages germs (bacteria) called Pseudomonas to grow. Showering after using the hot tub does not seem to reduce the chance of this infection.
• Gram-negative folliculitis – this may occur after acne has been treated with long-term antibiotics.
• Pseudo-folliculitis – this is not really a true folliculitis. It does look similar, as little lumps form at the bases of hairs.

What are the causes of folliculitis?

It can be caused by an infection -bacterial, viral, fungal, or parasitic or have a noninfectious etiology, most commonly due to follicular trauma, inflammation, or occlusion.

What are the symptoms of folliculitis?

Clusters of small red bumps or white-headed pimples that develop around hair follicles
•Pus-filled blisters that break open and crust over
•Red and inflamed skin
•Itchy burning skin

What happens if folliculitis goes untreated?

Folliculitis is a skin condition which isn’t life-threatening, but it can be itchy, sore and painful. If left untreated, you can end up with hair loss and severe scarring. If you have sensitive skin, simple friction and rubbing can lead to a folliculitis rash.

What is the homeopathic medicine indication for folliculitis?

-Calcarea sulphurica
-Hepar sulphuris
-Mercurius solubilis


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