
Felon is an infection of the pulp space of the distal portion of a finger or toe near the nail bed, which is usually due to puncture wound. The wound allows bacteria grow into nail bed; resulting in enclosed pocket of pus with pain, swelling and tenderness.

What is felon/whitlow?

Felon is an infection of the pulp space of the distal portion of a finger or toe near the nail bed, which is usually due to puncture wound.

The wound allows bacteria grow into nail bed; resulting in enclosed pocket of pus with pain, swelling and tenderness.

What causes a felon infection?

• Injury

• Infections like bacteria (staphylococcus aureus), viruses, parasites and fungi.

• The most common organism behind the infection is staphylococcus aureus.

• In immune suppressed patients gram-negative organisms are the cause.
• The major mode of infection is fingertip blood glucose measurements.

What are the signs and symptoms of felon?

Pain, redness and tender swelling of the affected part with an accumulation of white, thick discharge (pus).

The major characteristic features of felon are as follows

• Throbbing pain

•The tension in the infected finger.

• Edema of the finger pulp.

Can infected finger heal on its own?

Soak the infected finger in warm water for 20 minutes a few times a day. The infection will heal on its own in a few days. If paronychia becomes severe, infection can spread through the finger or toe and move into the rest of the body.

Is Whitlow a bacterial infection?

Whitlow or Felon is an infection of a finger or around the fingernails, generally caused by bacteria. However, in rare cases, it may also be caused by the herpes simplex virus. As herpetic whitlow is not seen often, it may be mistaken for a different kind of infection of the finger.

Is Whitlow contagious?

These sores or blisters are mostly painful and develop after direct contact with an infected sore. The herpes simplex virus (HSV) causes this infection. There are two types of HSV. Herpetic whitlow is caused by the same virus which is responsible for cold sores and genital herpes, it is highly contagious.

How long does a Whitlow take to heal?

A whitlow will heal without an antiviral drug within two to three weeks. Antiviral treatment may: reduce the time taken for the abscess to heal. Reduce your risk of a secondary bacterial infection

What is the homeopathic medicine indication for felon?

Hepar sulphur



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