Farmer’s Lung

Farmer lung is a hypersensitivity allergy reaction that is caused by breathing in dust from mouldy hay, grain handling, feed handling livestock confinement systems or other agricultural products.



What is a farmer’s lung?

The air that farmers breathe is contaminated with toxic gases or particulate matter that is dangerous. Continuous exposure to these contaminants leads to the condition called farmers’ lungs.

Farmer lung is a hypersensitivity allergy reaction that is caused by breathing in dust from mouldy hay, grain handling, feed handling livestock confinement systems or other agricultural products.

The hypersensitive inflammatory response in farmer’s lung can become a chronic condition that is dangerous. Initially, the disease starts as a sudden attack or slowly progressive disease and it causes breathing problems. Avoiding the exposure to dust and moldy crops is beneficial but long-term exposure causes permanent damage to lung causing physical disability or even death.

The degree of risk depends on how much amount is collected in person’s lungs. Working with loose hay in open field is less dangerous while working indoors a farmer inhales a large amount of dust within a short period of time.

Who are prone to farmer’s lung?

Children rarely develop farmers lung as Farmers lung is a risk for adults who breathe dust from moldy hay.

Classification of Farmer’s lung:

-Acute farmers lung:

Acute farmer’s lung starts as an acute attack within 4-8 hours when a person breathes a large amount of dust from a moldy crop.

Signs and symptoms subside after 12 hours of avoiding the exposure to moldy dust but it can last up to 2 weeks. The severe attack can last as long as 12 weeks.

-Sub-acute farmers lung:

Subacute farmer’s lung is more common as compared to acute farmer’s lung. Subacute farmer’s lung is more difficult to notice as it is less intense. It develops slowly from continual exposure to small amount of hay. Subacute farmer’s lung mimics common chest cold and remains throughout winters. Some people lose weight over several weeks.

-Chronic farmers lung:

Chronic farmers lung develops slowly over a period of the year after several acute attacks. Persons who are in continuous exposure to moldy dust are at great risk.

What Causes Farmer’s lung?

Heat tolerating bacteria and molds are found in mouldy crops. Moulds called “Aspergillus” are main causes of farmer’s lung. In certain areas where crops are harvested in wet and rainy weather, crops undergo self-heating in storage; in this case, heat tolerating bacteria and moulds grow rapidly and cause spoilage. This spoiled hay when breathed the spores enter the innermost region of lungs and problems arises. Inhaled spores trigger an allergic reaction.

When a person inhales a large amount of dust and spores, the immune system produces antibodies against that antigen. Once the antibodies are produced a person becomes sensitive to that allergen. On further exposure to moldy dust generates a hypersensitive type of allergic reaction.

What are the signs and symptoms of Farmer’s lung?

The signs and symptoms of acute farmer’s lung include:

– Shortness of breath.

– A dry cough.

– General sick feeling.

– Increased heart rate.

– Rapid breathing.

The signs and symptoms of subacute farmer’s lung includes:

– Cough.

– Muscle and joint pain.

– Shortness of breath.

General sick feeling.

– Loss of appetite and weight.

Signs and symptoms of chronic farmer’s lung include:

– Shortness of breath.

– Occasional mild fever.

– Lack of energy.

– Marked loss of weight.

– Permanent lung damage.

How To Diagnose Farmer’s Lung?

History of exposure confirms the diagnosis. There is a development of signs and symptoms within 4-8 hours of exposure to dust from moldy crop.

-Lung x-ray

-Blood test for antibodies

-Pulmonary lavage test is done to examine contents in the small area of the lung.

-Lung function test.

-Lung biopsy.

-Lung allergy challenge test.

What is the treatment of Farmer’s lung?

-The first step is to avoid exposure to mouldy dust.

-Bed rest and oxygen therapy are needed in serious cases.

-Long-term of medication is not recommended as symptoms subside without curing the damage of lung damage.

What prevention is to be taken if suffering from Farmer’s lung?

Steps should be followed to avoid spoilage of crops and the production of spores that cause the allergic reactions. The following measures are advised:

-Wet crops can be dried at harvest.

-If there is a high risk of spoiling of crop it should be stored in silage instead of bales, if possible.

-Farms should be mechanized as much as possible to reduce exposure.

-During cleaning of barns, the crop should be wetted down to prevent it from being airborne.

Is It Curable?

The person who becomes hypersensitive to mouldy dust remains hypersensitive for years or perhaps for life.

What Are The Complications of Farmer’s lung?

-Scarring of a lung.

-Pulmonary fibrosis.


-Death due to pulmonary insufficiency.

-Death due to cor pulmonale.

-Respiratory failure.


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