Exfoliative Dermatitis/ Erythroderma/Dermatitis Exfoliativa

Exfoliative dermatitis is the severe inflammatory condition of the entire skin surface due to a reaction to certain drugs or due to a pre-existing skin condition which leads to this condition. It is presented by redness and scaling of the skin that begins in the patches and spreads to the whole body.


What is Exfoliative dermatitis?

Exfoliative dermatitis is the severe inflammatory condition of the entire skin surface due to a reaction to certain drugs or due to a pre-existing skin condition which leads to this condition.

It is presented by redness and scaling of the skin that begins in the patches and spreads to the whole body.

The skin starts to shed off, leading to problems like temperature regulation, protein and fluid loss as well as an increased metabolic rate, infection, hair loss, and loss of appetite.

Which age group are more affected due to exfoliative dermatitis?

• Mainly the 40 years of age people are more affected.

• Males are more affected than females.

What causes exfoliative dermatitis?

• Family history of the patient.

• Systemic diseases like leukaemia, multiple myeloma, Hodgkin’s disease.

• Cutaneous diseases like psoriasis, seborrheic dermatitis, atopic dermatitis, stasis dermatitis, contact dermatitis, and lichen planus.

• Drug reaction

What are the signs and symptoms of exfoliative dermatitis?

• Extreme redness of skin

• Scaling

• Crusting lesions

• Thickened skin

• Itching

• Swollen lymph nodes

• Fever

• Malaise

• Secondary infection

• Loss of fluids/ dehydration/ protein deficiencies

• Skin damage

How to investigate Exfoliative dermatitis?

• Complete case history of the patient.

• Physical examination

• Skin biopsy

• Blood test

How to treat Exfoliative dermatitis?

• Antibiotics

• Heated blankets

• Cool bath

• Systemic corticosteroids

• Fluid therapy

What are the complications of exfoliative dermatitis?

• Secondary infection

• Hypothermia

• Dehydration/electrolyte imbalance or both

• Heart failure

What is the differential diagnosis of exfoliative dermatitis?

• Erythema multiforme

• Kawasaki disease

• Toxic epidermal necrolysis

• Toxic shock syndrome

How to manage the skin while suffering from Exfoliative Dermatitis?

• Discontinue all unnecessary medications.

• Monitor fluid balance and body temperature.

• Maintain acceptable room temperature.

• Lubrication of the infected skin with emollients to prevent skin from drying.

• Maintain good nutrition, a protein-rich diet.

What are the indicated homoeopathic medicines for exfoliative dermatitis?

Some of the homoeopathic medicines which is helpful in this case. These are:

• Arsenicum album

• Graphites

• Natrium muriaticum

• Petroleum

• Psorinum

• Rhus toxicodendron

• Sulphur


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