
Excessive watering of the eyes is called epiphora. Overflow of tears is a result of insufficient drainage of tear film from the eye. Epiphora is a symptom of eye disease. It can be acute, chronic or congenital.


What is epiphora?

Excessive watering of the eyes is called epiphora. Overflow of tears is a result of insufficient drainage of tear film from the eye. The most common cause for epiphora is blockage of tear ducts and the condition may also be the result of excessive tear production.

Epiphora is a symptom of eye disease. It can be acute, chronic or congenital.

Chronic epiphora: Long-standing or continuous disorder results in chronic epiphora. Treatment is required in chronic cases.

Acute epiphora: Temporary conditions such as a foreign body in the eye, eyestrain, emotional stress, and deprivation of sleep result in acute epiphora. Acute case heals itself; treatment is required depending on the severity of the condition.

Congenital epiphora: Some children are born with congenital epiphora because the tear duct drainage system is developed incompletely. It disappears within 6 months but if it remains then treatment is necessary.

What causes Epiphora?

Epiphora is often caused by tear film and ocular surface problems rather than by anatomical obstruction of lacrimal drainage. A thorough history can lead to information regarding medications that can contribute to punctual stenosis. Conjunctivochalasis is an under-recognized cause of upper lacrimal system epiphora

The two most common causes of epiphora are:

• Blockage in the drainage system of the eye.

• Increased production of tears.

Causes of blockage:

• Some babies are born with blocked or underdeveloped lacrimal ducts.
• Infections or scars from old injuries block the drainage system of the eye.

• Eyelid deformities cause obstruction of the flow of tears.

• Abnormal growth of the nasal bone presses against the tear duct and obstructs it.

• Mucous membranes of the ducts get atrophied.

Over-production of tears can be caused by:

• Dry eye syndrome.

• Foreign body in the eye

• Cold wind.

• Lack of sleep.

• Looking at bright lights.

• Eyestrain

• Ingrown eyelashes or an injury to the eye.

What are the signs and symptoms of epiphora?

• Tears on the cheeks and in the eyelashes.

• Red, irritated eyelids.

• Pus-like discharge from the lacrimal duct openings.

• A tender lump and redness on the inner corner of the eyelid.

• Blurred vision.

What is the treatment for epiphora?

• A silicone tube is inserted in case of canalicular damage or a narrow upper nasal cavity.
• Canaliculi are repaired microsurgically.
• In case of functional blockage lid shortening and punctual snip procedures is done.
• Balloon dilatation dacryoplasty.

What are the homeopathic medicines indications for epiphora?

-Mercurius Zinc


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