Dysfunctional uterine bleeding(DUB)

DUB stands for dysfunctional uterine bleeding. It is abnormal bleeding from the vagina that is due to changes in the hormonal level. It is the disease of the female genital tract. Mostly females of 35 to 40 years of age are more affected due to DUB.




What DUB is?

DUB stands for dysfunctional uterine bleeding. It is abnormal bleeding from the vagina that is due to changes in the hormonal level.

Dysfunctional uterine bleeding was commonly seen in?

• It is the disease of the female genital tract.

• Mostly females of 35 to 40 years of age are more affected due to DUB.

What are the causes of DUB?

• History of the patient.

• Family history of the patient.

• Adenomyocosis

• Cancer

• Blood clotting disorders

• Hormonal disturbances

• Uterine polyps

What are the signs and symptoms of dysfunctional uterine bleeding?

• Bleeding or spotting from the vagina between periods.

• Irregular menses sometimes come early and late too.

• Heavier bleeding (such as passing large clots, needing to change protection during the night, soaking through a sanitary pad or tampon every hour for 2 – 3 hours in a row).

• Hair growth.

• Hot flushes.

• Mood swings.

• Tenderness and dryness of the vagina.

• Anemia

• Fatigue

• Lethargy

• Abdominal pain.

• Discomfort.

How to investigate dysfunctional uterine bleeding?

The health care provider will do a pelvic examination and may perform a Pap smear.

Tests that may be done include:

•Complete blood count (CBC)

•Blood clotting profile

•Hormone tests



Male hormone (androgen) levels.



•Pregnancy test

•Thyroid function tests

•Pap smear and culture to look for infection

•Transvaginal ultrasound

How to treat dysfunctional uterine bleeding?

Treatment may include:

•Birth control pills or progesterone-only pills.

•Intrauterine device (IUD) that releases the hormone progestin.

The health care provider may recommend iron supplements for women with anaemia.

•Hysterectomy to remove the uterus.

What are the complications of dysfunctional uterine bleeding?

•Infertility (inability to get pregnant)


•Increased risk for endometrial cancer

What is the differential diagnosis of dysfunctional uterine bleeding?

• Ectopic pregnancy

• Endometrial carcinoma

• Endometriosis

• Endometritis

• Hyperprolactinemia

• Hyperthyroidism

• Hypothyroidism

• Uterine cancer

• Vaginitis

• Ovarian polycystic disease

• Adnexal tumors

• Cervical cancers

• Abortion

• Cervicitis

• Genitourinary infections

Can homoeopathic medicines help in the case of DUB?

Yes, homoeopathic medicines can help symptomatically in this case. Some of the homoeopathic medicines which can help in this case. These are:

• Thlaspi bursae

• Sabina

• Vinca minor

• Kreosotum

• Carbo animalis


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