Dumping Syndrome /Rapid Gastric Emptying

Dumping syndrome is a syndrome occurring after gastric surgery. Dumping syndrome develops after stomach surgery either part of it or whole. Dumping syndrome symptoms usually appear after eating and in others two to three hours after eating.




What is dumping syndrome?

Dumping syndrome is a syndrome occurring after gastric surgery. Dumping syndrome develops after stomach surgery either part of it or whole. Dumping syndrome symptoms usually appear after eating and in others two to three hours after eating.

What are the causes of dumping syndrome?

Gastric surgery leads to difficulty in food regulation and the food contents of the stomach empty quickly into the small intestine. Dumping usually occurs after consuming too much-refined sugar in people with gastric surgery.

• Dumping syndrome signs and symptoms arise due to when a lot of sugars are dumped into the small intestine (hyperglycemia). Now in return body releases large amounts of insulin to absorb the sugars, which leads to low levels of sugar in the body (hypoglycemia).

• Gastric bypass surgery for weight loss is one of the major causes of this syndrome.

• Symptoms in the early phase like nausea, vomiting etc occur due to stretching of the small intestine

Risk factors –

• Gastrectomy in which either a part of the whole of the stomach is removed
• People with Diabetes

• Zollinger-Ellison-syndrome
• When the tube between mouth and stomach is wholly or partially removed
• Gastric bypass surgery

What are the symptoms of dumping syndrome?

Early phase symptoms-

• Nausea
• Vomiting
• Pain in abdomen

• Heaviness in the abdomen

• Severe diarrhea

• Rapid heartbeat

Late phase symptoms-

• Dizziness
• Palpitations
• Hunger
• Sweating
• Fatigue, weakness

• Mental confusion

• Fainting

Symptoms in the late phase arise due to rapid fall or rise in blood sugar levels.

How do you get rid of dumping syndrome?

Avoid eating sugar and sweets
• Candies, cookies, cakes and pastries
• Avoid dairy products and alcohol
• Avoid eating and drinking 30 minutes before and after meals.
• Using fiber supplements
• Eating green leafy vegetables
• Drinking lot of fluids
• Avoiding fatty food
• Consuming small meals
• Chewing food properly

What foods to avoid if you have dumping syndrome?

Avoid eating too much at a time eat small meals at small intervals daily. Have a protein-rich food such as meat, poultry, fish, eggs, milk, cheese, yogurt, nuts, tofu or peanut butter. Do not drink liquids with meals.

What is the homeopathic medicine indication for dumping syndrome?

Arsenicum album

Carbo vegetabilis



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