Dental Abscess

A dental abscess (abscess is a collection of pus) is an infection of the mouth, jaw, face and throat which usually begins as a tooth infection. Dental abscesses can be painful when tissues get inflamed.




What is a dental abscess?

A dental abscess (abscess is a collection of pus) is an infection of the mouth, jaw, face and throat which usually begins as a tooth infection. Dental abscess occurs due to poor dental health or lack of proper dental care. Dental abscesses can be painful when tissues get inflamed. Cavity bacteria can spread to the gums, cheeks, throat, and beneath the tongue. In some cases, the infection spreads leading to blockage of the airway which can make breathing difficult. Dental abscess causes nausea, fever, and vomiting.

What are the types of dental abscesses?

Periapical abscess-

A periapical abscess is one of the common dental abscesses which starts from the centre of the tooth. A periapical abscess develops as a complication of tooth decay (tooth decay damages the protective layer of the tooth), this damage allows bacteria to invade the pulp to cause infection.

The periapical abscess can develop due to nerve injury.

Periodontal abscess

Periodontal abscess (gumboil) develops as a complication of gum injury, and gum disease. This gum disease causes the gym to get detached from the tooth.

What causes dental abscesses?

A dental abscess’s main cause is the direct growth of bacteria into the soft tissues and bones of the face and neck.

Risk factors

• Poor oral hygiene

• Consuming more sweet/sticky food and drinks – chocolate, sweets, fizzy drinks, starchy food

• Weak immune system -diabetes

What are the symptoms of dental abscess?

• Throbbing pain which may extend to the ear, lower jaw and neck
• Swelling
• Redness of mouth, face
• Nausea, vomiting, fever, chills
• Gums inflammation, pus
• Difficulty in opening of mouth and swallowing
• Cavities
• Oral swelling
• Unpleasant taste in mouth
• Disturbed sleep

Can a tooth abscess go away on its own?

An infection of the tooth will not go away on its own and requires treatment from your dentist. An abscess if left untreated will create a hollow tunnel called a fistula that stems from the abscess through the bone or skin, allowing the pus to drain.

What are the homoeopathic medicines for dental abscesses?


Calcarea phosphoric-

Calendula officinalis



Nitric acid


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