Dandy-Walker Syndrome

Dandy-Walker syndrome is a brain deformity present at birth consisting of a deformity of the cerebellum and the presence of a cyst in the lower portion of the brain. The symptoms of this syndrome may develop suddenly or may go unnoticed, which often occur in early infancy resulting in slow motor development and progressive enlargement of the skull.




What is Dandy-walker syndrome?

Dandy-Walker syndrome is a brain deformity present at birth consisting of a deformity of the cerebellum and the presence of a cyst in the lower portion of the brain. The deformity involves an area in the back of the brain that controls movements and cognitive learning. In some cases, there is an abnormal accumulation of cerebrospinal fluid within the ventricle of the vein. The symptoms of this syndrome may develop suddenly or may go unnoticed, which often occur in early infancy resulting in slow motor development and progressive enlargement of the skull.

Dandy-Walker syndrome is frequently associated with the disorder of other areas of the central nervous system, including an absence of the area made up of nerve fibres connecting the two cerebral hemispheres i.e. corpus callosum and malformation of the heart, face, limbs, fingers, and toes.

What are the causes of Dandy-Walker syndrome?

This syndrome occurs during brain development before birth. An exact cause is unknown; it is likely a combination of genetic and environmental factors.

What are the symptoms of Dandy-Walker syndrome?

• Impaired development of normal speech and language.
• Slow motor development
• Vomiting
• Convulsions
• Irritability
• Unsteadiness
• Lack of muscle coordination
• Increase head circumference
• Jerky eye movements
• Bulging of the back of the skull
• Abnormal breathing
• Malformation of the heart, kidney
• Urinary tract abnormality
• Oral-facial clefts
• Extra digits
• Nerves problem that controls the eyes, face, and neck

Is there a cure for Dandy-Walker syndrome?

Treatment for individuals with Dandy-Walker Syndrome generally consists of treating the related problems, if needed.

• Surgery: A surgical procedure known as a shunt may be required to drain off excess fluid within the brain, which will lead to reduced intracranial pressure and help control swelling.
• Ventriculostomy: a tube from one ventricle to another. It allows extra fluid to drain out of the affected ventricle.
• Prophylactic treatment of malformations

Is Dandy-Walker Syndrome Rare?

Dandy walker syndrome is a rare, congenital hydrocephalus (a buildup of fluid in the brain) which usually affects the cerebellum portion of the brain. Dandy-Walker syndrome, also known as the Dandy-Walker malformation.

How to manage Dandy-walker syndrome?

• Take care of a child with symptoms like seizures etc
• Genetic counseling of parents
• Make your child sit in an area where there are no sharp edges.
• Hold/support while walking.
• Speech therapy may help a bit in older children.

Is Dandy-Walker Syndrome a disability?

The prognosis of Dandy-walker syndrome is variable. In some cases, children have normal cognition and others never achieve normal intellectual development even if a condition is treated early. Longevity depends on the severity of the syndrome and associated malformation.

What is the homoeopathic medicines indication for dandy-walker syndrome?

Apis mellifica


Calcarea carbonica

Helleborus niger

Zicum metallicum


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