
Coccygodynia is also known as coxalgia. It is inflammation of the coccyx and is characterized by pain and tenderness of the coccyx. It is often caused by an injury due to fall. Homeopathic medicines helps in management of the symptoms of the coccygodynia.


What is coccygodynia?

Coccygodynia is also called coxalgia. It is the cause of pain in lower back. Coccyx is the tail bone, located between the right and left hip bones.

Inflammation of the coccyx is called coccygodynia characterized by pain and tenderness.

What factors causes coccygodynia?

Coccygodynia is related with pain and tenderness at the tip of the tailbone between the buttocks. It is often caused by an injury. There are various causes of tailbone pain which can mimic coccydynia, including sciatica, infection, pilonidal cysts, and fractured bone.

• Local trauma on the coccyx result into the inflammation of the ligaments
• In case of female during delivery the baby’s head passes over the top of the coccyx,
creating pressure and hence causing injury to the ligaments
• Tumors
• Sitting improperly, straining the coccyx.

What are the signs and symptoms of coccygodynia?

• Pain between buttocks at the tail bone.
• Local tenderness.
• Pain becomes worse on sitting.

Is walking good for coccyx pain?

Vigorous exercises may aggravate your symptoms like pain due to inflammation and cause the pelvic and hip muscles to tighten further. Tailbone injuries will heal over time. Patient can try treatments such as physical therapy, stretching, and seat cushioning should help to relieve pain and discomfort.

Is Coccygodynia serious?

Coccygodynia is not a serious problem but if you ignore this you may suffer from serious complications such as a fracture.. You must consult your doctor if you have persistent lower back pain that lasts more than a few days.

What happens if tailbone is removed?

In coccygodynia surgery is uncommon and is usually only recommended when all other treatments have failed. In surgery coccyx may need to be completely removed in an operation called a coccygectomy. Your surgeon makes a small cut in the skin over your coccyx, so it can be removed.

How long does Coccygodynia pain last?

The condition usually responds well to conventional treatment and the pain will usually resolve within a few weeks. In some cases the pain can persist for more than three months, which is known as chronic coccygodynia.

Is Coccygodynia a disability?

Coccygodynia is not a disability because it often goes away on its own or can be relieved with treatment; it is not easy to receive disability benefits based on this impairment alone. However, if the pain is very severe, persisting or not responding to any treatment, and affects you’re functioning, you may qualify for disability benefits.

What are the homeopathic medicine indications for coccygodynia?

• Fluoricum acidum

• Ruta graveolens

• Zincum metallicum

• Thuja occidentalis

• Conium maculatum

• Carbo animalis


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