What is Chicken pox?
Chicken pox is a highly contagious, non-threatening viral infection in which a person develops extremely itchy blisters all over the body.
Chicken pox is an air borne disease, which can easily spread through coughing and sneezing from an infected person.
What is the incubation period of chicken pox?
Incubation period-14-16 days.
Chickenpox in certain medical conditions requires immediate medical condition such as – pregnant women, newborn, teenagers and adults and people with low immunity.
• Disease starts with mild Fever
• Rashes
• Headache
• stomach ache
Chickenpox rashes appear usually 1-2 days after the first symptoms Child starts to develop small, itchy, fluid filled blisters over the surface of skin. Blisters first appear on face, middle of body, chest and scalp. The number of poxes varies from child to child.
Few patients only get bumps; and others are covered from head to toe. Rashes first appear like pinkish dots and then develop into blister.
How do you know if you have chicken pox or shingles?
People who are suffering from chicken pox are contagious a couple days before their rash appears and remain till blisters are developed. A person with shingles can only spread their infection while their skin rash is still blistering.
Can you get shingles and chicken pox at the same time?
Shingles (zoster) looks like chickenpox and is caused by the same virus. However, it usually appears on only one part of the body. Shingles occurs in person who has already had chickenpox, usually after many years. Person cannot get shingles from someone who is suffering from chickenpox.
What should I do if I have chicken pox?
If you have chicken pox keeps the skin cool to relieve itching and avoid hot baths and showers. Ask your physician about lotions that can control the itching. Prevent the spread of infection by maintaining a proper hygiene.
How long will chicken pox last?
It usually takes 10–14 days for all the blisters to be scabbed over and then you are no longer contagious new chicken pox usually stops appearing by the seventh day or may stop as early as the third day.
Can you die from chickenpox?
No, Chickenpox may cause complications such as pneumonia or, rarely, an inflammation of the brain (encephalitis), both of which can be serious. Almost 90% of unvaccinated household contacts of an infected person will catch chickenpox.
How to manage chicken pox?
• Complete rest
• Chicken pox vaccine
• Avoid scratching the pox blisters, so trim the fingernails properly
• Washing hands properly
• Changing clothes and bed sheets regularly
• Using household cleaners
• Bathing with mild soap containing ingredients aloe Vera.
• Using mild detergent
• Topical application of calamine lotion.
• Maintaining good hygiene
• During chicken pox child to be confined to bed
• Olive oil can be applied
• Liquid/semi liquid diet
• Avoiding excess salt
• Diet rich in nutrients
What are the Homeopathic indications for Chicken pox?
• Antimonium crudum
• Antimonium tartaricum
• Apis mellifica
• Belladonna
• Gelsemium sempervirens
• Mercurius solubilis
• Rhus toxicodendron