What is cheilitis?
Cheilitis also called chapped lips is the painful inflammation of lips. Continuous licking is one of the reasons. Saliva cannot moisturize the skin but increases the risk of infection. If the infection occurs with Candida Albicans the condition becomes more severe.
What is the cause of cheilitis?
Most common cause of angular cheilitis is fungal infection.
• Constant lip licking
• Lip biting
• Thumb sucking
• Bottle feeding
• Sun exposure
• Weak immune system
• Iron deficiency
• Deficiency of certain vitamin
• Contact allergies by toothpaste or cosmetics
• Cold or warm weather
• High fever
• ill fitting dentures
• Wearing braces
What are the symptoms of cheilitis?
• Dry, cracked lips
• Scaly, crusty bumps on lips
• Lips appear puffy
• Lips become red
How long does it take to get rid of angular cheilitis?
Angular cheilitis may affect one or both sides of your mouth, and it can take two to three weeks or longer to heal, depending on the treatment. Angular cheilitis may look like cold sores, but there are specific signs you can look to differentiate.
What vitamin deficiency causes cracks in the corners of the mouth?
Some studies reveal that onset of angular cheilitis is linked with nutritional deficiencies, especially of the B (B2-riboflavin) vitamins and iron (which causes iron deficiency anemia), patient may be suffering from malnutrition or malabsorption.
What is the homeopathic medicines indication for cheilitis?
The commonly indicated Homeopathy medicines are as follows: –
• Sulphur
• Petroleum
• Psorinum
• Graphites