What is cervical cancer?
Cervical dysplasia refers to the presence of precancerous changes in the cells that makes up the inner lining of the surface of the cervix that is seen underneath a microscope. The degree and extent of the abnormality seen on a tissue sample with the help of Pap smear which is formally referred as mild, moderate and severe. These systems are based upon changes in the appearance of the cells visualized when smears of individual cells or tissue biopsies are reviewed thoroughly.
Who are affected with cervical cancer?
Only females are affected with cervical cancer. Most often seen in women between the age of 25-35 years, but can develop at any age.
What are the causes of cervical dysplasia cervical cancer?
Cervical dysplasia is considered a sexually transmitted disease because of the implicated role of human papillomavirus (HPV) in bringing about tissue changes.
Human papillomavirus (HPV).
Family history.
Early age of first intercourse before age of 18years.
Having a baby before age 16years.
-Multiple sexual partners.
-Sexual exposure to men who are already HPV affected.
Medications that suppress the immune system.
-Poor diet.
-Long-term oral contraceptive use.
-Chronic cervicitis.
-HSV infection.
-Immune compromise.
-Environmental Carcinogens.
-Low level of folate (vitamin B9) in red blood cells.
-Dietary deficiency such as Vitamin A, C, E and beta-carotene selenium.
What are the sign and symptoms of Cervical Dysplasia/Cervical Cancer/Pap Smear Abnormal?
-Genital warts.
-Abnormal bleeding.
-Spotting after intercourse.
-Vaginal discharge.
-Vulvar itch.
-Lower back pain.
Is cancer of the cervix deadly?
If cervical cancer is treated in early stages than it is not fatal.
Is Cervical Cancer painful?
generally there are no signs or symptoms of cervical cancer in its early stages. They vary from person to person, but it may include abnormal vaginal bleeding, discharge, and sometimes pain.
Is cervical cancer treatable?
Yes, cervical cancer is treatable and it is often curable if diagnosed in an early stage.
What are the investigations of Cervical Dysplasia/Cervical Cancer/Pap Smear Abnormal?
-Complete case history
-Physical examination
-Blood test
-Pap smear
-HPV testing
1. CIN 1(Mild dysplasia): It refers to the presence of dysplasia confined to the basal third of the cervical lining or epithelium. This is considered to be low-grade lesions.
2. CIN 2 (Moderate dysplasia): It is considered to be a high-grade lesion; it refers to dysplastic cellular changes confined to the basal two-thirds of the lining tissue.
3. CIN 3 (Severe dysplasia): It is a high-grade lesion that refers to precancerous changes in the cells encompassing great than two-thirds of the cervical lining thickness, including full-thickness lesion and carcinoma in situ.
Dietary changes which may help in Cervical Dysplasia/Cervical Cancer/Pap Smear Abnormal?
-Quit smoking.
-Avoid alcohol.
-Drink 6-8 glasses of filtered water daily.
-Practice yoga and meditate at least for 20 minutes a day can help one in better living.
-Exercise moderately, for 30 minutes daily.
-Practice safe sex, use the condom.
-Routine PAP screening for cervical cancer after one gets sexually active or especially after the age of 21years.
-Eat a well-balanced diet rich in Vitamin A, B9, C, E, and beta-carotene.
-Green tea acts an s antioxidant and is good for health.
-Take food such as cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli which helps in preventing cervical cancer.
-Eat calcium-rich food including beans, almonds and dark green leafy vegetables such as spinach.
-Eat antioxidant rich food including fruits such as blueberries, cherries, and tomatoes.
-Use olive oil instead of other oils.
-Omega-3 fatty acids decrease inflammation and improve health, take after nutritionists’ advice.
-Avoid caffeine and tea.
-Get vaccination of HPV between ages of 9 and 26 years.
-Do not have sex for 18 years.
-Practice monogamy, avoid multiple sex partners
Homeopathic treatment for Cervical Dysplasia/Cervical Cancer/Pap Smear Abnormal?
-Calcarea carbonica
-Lycopodium clavatum
-Nitricum acidium
-Sepia officinalis
-Thuja occidentalis