What is Bunya Virus?
Bunyavirales are negative-sense single-stranded RNA viruses. It is the only order in the class Ellioviricete. Though generally found in arthropods or rodents, certain viruses in this order occasionally infect humans. Some of them also infect plants.
What are the types of genera in Bunyavirus Family?
The bunyavirus family contains five genera:
• Orthobunyavirus,
• Phlebovirus,
• Nairovirus,
• Tospovirus,
• Hantavirus
What is the mode of transmission of the Bunya Virus?
• Most of the above viruses are transmitted by arthropods (e.g., ticks, mosquitoes, and sand flies) and cause serious human disease.
• A majority of bunyaviruses are vector-borne. With the exception of Hantaviruses and Arenaviruses, all viruses in the Bunyavirales order are transmitted by arthropods (mosquitoes, ticks, or sand-fly). The mode of transmission of Hantavirus is when one comes in contact with deer mice faeces.
Who is more Prone to get affected by the Bunya Virus?
The hantaviruses are evolutionarily adapted to a specific rodent host, and thus rodents, including rats and mice, act as viral reservoirs. Human infection occurs following unusual or intense contact with infected rodent populations. The virus is transmitted primarily through the inhalation of dust that contains dried rodent excreta.
What are the causes of the Bunya Virus?
The virus is transmitted primarily through the inhalation of dust that contains dried rodent excreta.
What are the signs and symptoms of the Bunya Virus?
The signs and symptoms of Bunya virus are as follows: –
• Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever
• Headache,
• High Grade fever,
• Backache, joint pain,
• Stomach pain.
• Redness of the eyes, face, and throat, or red spots on the roof of the mouth are common.
What are the investigations of the Bunya Virus?
The presence of specific IgM, an antibody titer rises in paired sera or detection of RNA by reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR).
What treatment is advised for Bunya Virus?
In cases with hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome treated with ribavirin for the first week has proven to be effective.
What is the prognosis of the Bunya Virus?
The cases can be fatal and have progressive deterioration, hence prognosis is poor.
What are the complications of the Bunya Virus?
The complications of this virus are High-Grade fever with thrombocytopenia syndrome virus (SFTSV)
What is the differential diagnosis of Bunya Virus?
It is difficult to distinguish from a host of other febrile illnesses, at least early in the course of the disease.
A few of them are as follows: –
– Malaria,
-Typhoid fever,
-Rickettsial infection
What management is helpful for the Bunya virus?
The patients who are affected should follow preventive measures including general hygiene, and limiting contact with vector saliva, urine, faeces, or bedding.
What are the names of commonly indicated Homeopathic remedies of Bunya Virus?
The Homeopathic remedies are as follows: –
• Lachesis
• Crotalus Horridus
• Bothrops