Bartholin Abscess

A Bartholin's cyst occurs when a Bartholin's gland in the labia becomes blocked, usually due to a backup of fluid. The cyst can be filled with non-purulent fluid that contains bacteria like staphylococcus, streptococcus, and E. coli.

bartholin abscess



What is Bartholin’s abscess?

Bartholin glands are ‘Pea’ shaped and present on either side of the vaginal opening which secretes a fluid that helps to lubricate the vagina. Sometimes obstruction or over-secretion of Bartholin glands can lead to Bartholin cysts.
When infection occurs in the Bartholin cyst, it can lead to Bartholin abscess.

Who is more affected due to Bartholin Abscess?

• Bartholin glands are present only in females
• Bartholin abscess occurs more commonly in women of childbearing age

What are the signs and symptoms of Bartholin Abscess?

Bartholin’s abscess shows the following symptoms:
• Swelling is present on one or both sides of the labia.
• Swelling is painful and tender to touch even the cloth.
• The patient complains of pain while changing position, sitting, or walking
• Fever may occur with acute infection of the abscess
• Redness present around the swelling
• Dyspareunia
• If the abscess is ruptured due to any reason, there may be the presence of a purulent discharge

What are the causes of Bartholin Abscess?

1. Various pathogens are involved in the formation of Bartholin’s abscess:
– Escherichia coli
– Neisseria gonorrhoea
– Chlamydia trachomatis
– Staphylococcus
2. Unhygienic conditions of the vagina
3. Release of sticky white discharge (leucorrhoea) from the vagina can lead to the collection of bacteria and the stay of bacteria on external genitalia can lead to infection and this infection can travel to the duct of the Bartholin gland
4. Continuous irritation of external genitalia in cases of excessive masturbation practices
5. History of surgeries of the vulva

How to investigate Bartholin Abscess?

• Physical examination and history of symptoms given by the patient
On physical examination, the following symptoms are seen:
– Swelling present on the external part of labia, tender to touch, very painful
– Swollen mass is fluctuant with surrounding erythema and oedema
– In some patients, there is the occurrence of cellulitis around the abscess
– Fever may also be present along with the above-given signs

• Other investigations done are as follows:-
– Complete blood count (CBC)
– Vaginal USG
– Routine culture tests of the drained fluid from the abscess

What is the differential diagnosis of Bartholin Abscess?

• Warts on genitals
• Gartner duct cyst
• Syphilis disease eruptions
• Skene duct cyst
• Vaginitis
• Sebaceous cyst
• Vulvar malignancy
• Vestibular mucous cysts
• Hematoma
• Endometriosis
• Chancroid
• Bartholin gland malignancy

What is the treatment of Bartholin Abscess?

• Antibiotics are prescribed in cases where fever is a sign
• Incision and drainage of the abscess are done
• Homeopathy treatment of Bartholin abscess is very effective and can help to relieve the pain and ease the discomfort

What medicines are indicated for Bartholin Abscess?

• Belladonna
• Hepar Sulphur
• Mercurius
• Lachesis
• Sulphur

What are the complications of Bartholin Abscess?

• Reoccurrence of the cyst and the abscess
• Bartholin’s abscess drainage in rare cases can be transformed into necrotizing fasciitis
• There may be the occurrence of a nonhealing wound
• There may occur bleeding in some patients, who present coagulopathy
• Can lead to the formation of scars
• Cellulitis



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