Atopic Dermatitis

Atopic dermatitis also known as eczema is a chronic inflammation of skin. This condition causes itch, dry and inflamed skin. It typically appears on the arms and behind the knees. Homeopathic medicines help in management of the symptoms of atopic dermatitis.

What is atopic dermatitis?

• Atopic dermatitis is a chronic skin disorder.

• Atopic dermatitis is a type of allergic hypersensitivity.

• Atopic dermatitis is a type of allergic hypersensitivity.

• A person can develop atopic dermatitis at any age but most commonly infants and young children are affected.

What causes Atopic Dermatitis?

• The exact cause of atopic dermatitis is unknown.

• Atopic dermatitis may develop as a result of hereditary or environmental factors or hypersensitivity reaction.

Triggers that make condition worse include:

• A family history of allergic conditions such as hay fever, asthma, or eczema.

• Dryness and lack of moisture after bathing.

• Stress.

• Changes in temperature.

• Synthetic clothing, soaps or detergents, cosmetics, dust etc causes irritation in the skin.

What are the signs and symptoms of Atopic Dermatitis?

• Dry skin.

• Itchy and red skin.

• Face, hands and folds of the skin such as the bend of the knees, underarms etc. are most commonly affected.

• Inflammation worsens after rubbing and scratching.

• Clear fluid oozes on itching resulting in crusts and scale formation.

• Lichenification: constant rubbing and scratching cause thick and rubbery skin.

How Atopic Dermatitis is diagnosed?

• Diagnosis is made on basis of the appearance of the skin.

• History of the patient and family history.

• A skin biopsy may be required.

Treatment of Atopic Dermatitis

• Corticosteroid creams and ointments are applied locally.

• In case of itching and allergies oral administration of antihistamines.

• Antibiotics can be used in the form of oral pills or in the form of ointments to apply on the affected part.

• Ultraviolet A or B light waves are used; this process is called phototherapy.

What are the differential diagnoses for Atopic Dermatitis?

• Contact Dermatitis

• Psoriasis

• Mycosis

• Mollusca contagiosum with dermatitis

• Scabies

• Seborrheic Dermatitis

• Tinea Corporis

What is the prognosis for Atopic Dermatitis?

• Skin completely clears in children.

• But in some cases, the skin may remain dry.

What are the complications of Atopic Dermatitis?

• Secondary infection from bacteria, fungus, virus.

• Scar formation.

Can homeopathic treatment help in atopic Dermatitis?

Yes, homeopathic medicines can help symptomatically in this case. Some of the homeopathic medicines which can help in this case. These are:

• Antimonium crudum

• Graphites

• Mercurius solubilis

• Mezereum

• Psorinum

• Rhus Toxicodendron

How to manage Atopic Dermatitis?


• Try bathing with cold water.

• Immediately after bathing moisturizes the skin to prevent dryness.

• Use mild soap and moisturizers.

• Avoid scratching.

• Wear soothing cotton clothing.

• Avoid exposure to dust, cigarette smoke, pollens, etc.

What is the dietary management of atopic dermatitis?

• If you are sensitive to dairy products avoid consuming it.

• Avoid preservative containing food, fried food, egg, fish and meat.

• Avoid citrus food, alcohol, and spicy food.


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